Am I doing something wrong? My arms are killing me

Thought you all need to see me in my pants?:(

Gotta look at the bodywork before making an estimate no ?

I do, but that's just my own personal preference - not the rules. ;)

Regarding bodywork, all we need to know is that we're dealing with any of a :

- Write-off;
- Serious bodywork required but no structural damage;
- Single panel only;
- T-Cut;
- Show detailing...

To take that metaphor far too far. If, for instance, you want to get lean and nicely proportioned from a position of having love handles/moobs with no exercise history, that's enough to go on.

That will require a different approach from somebody who is skinny but wants to be huge. :)
Most of us here have at one point or another been it pretty crap state be that massively over or under weight, there's still photos floating around on here from when I first started and they're not a pretty sight.
No one's here to judge.

Well that's good to know...please share before pic :)
You'll get lean, strong and massive by using that dumbbell! Google the 'Rick Allen/Roy Tapping workout'! It's a great program! and if you read it all thoroughly you'll be armed with all the knowledge you need.
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