Am I that nasty, really?

3 Feb 2006
Blackburn - Glastonbury - Portsmouth
Dropping the C bomb is about as verbally uncouth as it gets, I usually associate and stereotype its use with a certain class.

Its bad enough hearing a man say it, but a woman?......yeah, not for me.

I agree.

Its the way i was brought up to have manners, even if your mad you don't stoop to such levels of language.

It is not something that should be the norm.
30 Jun 2007
Dropping the C bomb is about as verbally uncouth as it gets, I usually associate and stereotype its use with a certain class.

Its bad enough hearing a man say it, but a woman?......yeah, not for me.

seems to be a southern thing, down south they use it constantly up north it is still reserved for anger or affection "oh you soppy ****" etc
30 Sep 2005
Come on guys, we are now living in an equal society. You can't go around saying "this is what women do". That's sexist!! If adverts aren't allowed to show teenage boys spilling washing powder on the floor, then I'm sure we can't go around saying things like all women are pains.

My thoughts on it are this.....and I've experience the OPs situation many MANY times.

THIS IS THE YEAR 2017!!!! If you can't search something online you are either an idiot or lazy. Reading what the pair do for a living, I'd say lazy!

OP needs to put his foot down with his wife though.
5 Feb 2009
N. Ireland
I hope you realise that those who point such things out are doing it for that reaction.

if it was done for the reason above (you know, the one I quoted) then it is trolling.

I just think as an adult you should know the difference between your and you're. That's not a trolling.
you're quite right, a sensible, relatively intelligent adult should know the difference. in the same way a sensible, relatively intelligent adult should know that typos/auto-correct and simple mistakes can happen when typing out a reply to forum post and as such most sensible, relatively intelligent adults don't get all antsy about a simple grammar mistake when they see one. so assuming you're a sensible, relatively intelligent adult I'm going with troll. ;)
5 Feb 2009
N. Ireland
Dropping the C bomb is about as verbally uncouth as it gets, I usually associate and stereotype its use with a certain class.

Its bad enough hearing a man say it, but a woman?......yeah, not for me.

it may be a horrible word but not speaking to your wife for a week over it? really? that's a grow up situation (that's what I was replying to - the guy saying he wouldn't speak to his wife for a week if she used that awful, horrendous, stop the world from turning word)

I agree.

Its the way i was brought up to have manners, even if your mad you don't stoop to such levels of language.

It is not something that should be the norm.

agreed - it shouldn't be the norm to use that sort of language - but what actually happens to you when you do hear the word? do your ears bleed, you're heart stop beating? I'm guessing not because it's only a word.
5 Feb 2009
N. Ireland
my viewpoint :D
ah ok - I wouldn't say it's outdated as such. i get what you mean by women should be ladies and all at that.

I certainly wouldn't stereotype someone just by hearing them using that word though. I do find it weird how people get so 'triggered' (did I use it right?!) by certain words.

might I ask why is the 'c' word so apparently offensive?
1 Jun 2006
haha i love when these basic titbits turn into epic sagas.

women are weird.always been this way.who cares if its politically correct its true !

16 Nov 2003
oh my - it's only a word. un-bunch those panties sweetheart! :p

They are completely unbunched thanks. I guess its the standard of women you're used to...

Dropping the C bomb is about as verbally uncouth as it gets, I usually associate and stereotype its use with a certain class.

Its bad enough hearing a man say it, but a woman?......yeah, not for me.

13 Nov 2005
I'm kind of siding with her, it's her family and she knows them better than you, plus she probably wants to help out.

Nothing wrong with it, you managed to make her feel like a doormat and insult her family at the same time. Good Job.
9 Apr 2007
Your wife called you the C word and the theme of this topic isnt, "Did i marry a chav"
If my wife said anything to me like that to me i would be extremely concerned.
21 Apr 2007
just seeking opinions here, certainly not justification.
Last night, watching TV, wife's phone rings.
I freeze the TV, and peruse the paper, waiting for her call to finish.
From her conversation, it's obvious that she's talking first with her brother's wife, then her brother.
She asks a few questions, then says, "I'll check, then call you back", disconnects and picks up her laptop, starts punching keys, scanning the screen intently, then asks me for a pen and some paper.
When she calls her sister-in-law back, she starts giving street names and bus numbers, train departure times, this one is a six minute walk, this one is eleven minutes etc. etc.
It materialised that her brother and his wife are going to York for a couple of days, and want to visit some friends in Manchester afterward, then fly back to London.
They'd asked her to look for methods of getting from Blank St. York, to Some Street Manchester, via bus or train, what the fare would be, and where were the bus and train stations in relation to their hotels in both cities.
I was amazed, and said, "You're kidding surely, have they both been paralysed, or struck with dyslexia?"
"Why?" she said, "he's not as clever as you, he doesn't know how to search for these things."
I said, "Clever? All I've ever done is drive a truck or a taxi, that's not rocket science, and I can book a flight online in seconds, he's a 53 y.o. office manager, and she works in admin, you must be nuts in not telling them to do it themselves."
She raised her voice, and told me, "You are one horrible person, you nasty (rhymes with shunt).
Was I wrong in being incredulous and more than a little annoyed at this?
I don't care about what she called me, she does that when she gets the zig, water off a duck's back.

It's kind of like the condition "learned helplessness" (not strictly but kinda...).

This is why instead of fixing pc problems for family I direct them to teach themselves.

It's mental laziness most of the time, they don't want to expend mental energy to learn how to google bus fares etc and just play dumb so someone else will do it for them. Obviously this is not always the case but I find it is a lot of the time....
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