40 in two weeks, work at a computer all day and game most evenings, no matter how much sleep I get a sleep hangover in the morning and I feel terrible for the first hour of every day. My average is 7 hours.
I go for a run every couple of days but I'm rubbish and can only manage a couple of miles which is punishment for abusing my lungs in my teens and 20s. On the days I don't go for a run I go for a walk to make sure I leave the house and get some exercise. I used to go to the gym at least three times a week but don't bother anymore, I hated it and forced myself to go. I used to have issues with sleep and not being able to or just having really bad quality sleep but what solved that for me was no caffeine after 2pm, regular bedtimes in bed before 11pm, no gaming after 9:30pm and watch TV instead until bedtime. I still have the odd night where my brain is active and I cant sleep but I'm an overthinker and its part and parcel of being me.
On top of that my wrist is knackered from using a mouse since I was 13, my back is knackered from bad posture and I get severe neck pain a few times a year.
I feel ok after I've woken up and majority of the day I have energy and start to feel tired again at around 7pm but two very young kids only take a couple of hours to wear me out.
Similar to me though I think I "wrecked" my body in my 20s, so dumb and I wish I'd been more aware and sensible. Now I struggle with sleep and if I get little sleep one night I can wake up with a tension headache and feel like death until the bodies natural painkillers kick in.
I completely exhausted my body in my 20s to the point of breakdown, I'm still recovering 15 years later. In hindsight just very simple routines and discipline could have prevented it all.
I've always struggled to live a "normal life" as I'm just too hyperactive in my mind.