What was stated was "super larger", not "super lager". So I ran with that.
I vaguely remember a high alcohol beer called Tennant's Super. Maybe that's the origin of the nomenclature. Which is probably national. The high alcohol beer I remember best from when I was young and foolish was called "Spar Loony Juice" by all of us. I have no idea what its official name was. Probably some own brand product sold in Spar shops. I never drank it. Not because I had more sense back then but because I didn't like any beer back then.
I do like beer now and I've tried a fair few. I've tried some high alcohol beers and didn't like any of them. The taste is wrong to me - too alcoholic for beer. The most alcoholic beer I like is Old Peculier (5.6%) and that's an anomaly because the strong flavour of the beer itself allows for a higher alcohol content without the alcohol overpowering the beer. One can is enough for me. I drink beer for enjoyment, not to get drunk as efficiently as possible. High alcohol cheap lager does not appeal to me. When I was foolish enough to be wanting to get drunk as efficiently as possible, I used some vile concoction called Tiger Milk. It made Thunderbirds seem a refined beverage. But it offered the most alcohol per £ in the nearest off licence.
Dying of alcohol is a very bad way to die slowly and painfully. You'd do well to rein your alcohol intake in. I'm not talking about death from acute alcohol poisoning, although that can happen. I'm talking about the accumulated damage done by repeated alcohol use. By the time the obvious symptoms show, it's too late. By that stage you're already dying and it'll be a long hard death. Alcohol is not a safe drug.