Am I the only one who thinks Star Wars suck?

1, 2, and 3 were great. Loved pod racing, the idea of midichlorians, the politics of the trade union/senate, epic droid vs clones battles, General Grievous (cool lightsabre fights and cool voice acting), and the Anakin/Padme romance story. Christensen is so convincing and you could feel he was torn between light and dark. I don't get why the CGI got so bad in 4, and everything's so dirty like the never cleaned the set? It isn't like the previous 3 didn't do well so the budget must have been there. Stopped watching 5 when the abominable snowman puppet turned up... by the sound of it I didn't miss much.

This wasn't wasted on me, I just can't believe nobody bit :(
I know a few people who dislike Star Wars, yes the original trilogy hasn't aged well, and yes the prequels sucked and yes the sequel trilogy was a total nostalgia fest. But Star Wars is much more than 9 films, the games, comics and animated series, that the franchise has given us, not to mention Lego Star Wars is just amazing
Not wanting to drag up the age old debate of star wars vs star trek (found in the same pile as amiga vs pc, or nintendo vs sega)....but in answer to the OPs question, No, you aren't the only one.

Star Wars was great for its time, and is a good movie. The empire strikes back was a fantastic follow up. The return of the jedi so, so....had a great ending. That's pretty much were it begins and ends.
What came after was simply george lucas flexing, followed by Disney being Disney.
I think the original 3 were that good ( apart from the teddy bears )that anything else would be a hard act to follow .

BUT - Rougue One I think was on par with Empire.
Rogue One as good as Empire? Sorry but I just don't see that. I'm a big SW fan but the characters are sketched at best, the two leads are just dull, Saw's death is utterly pointless, Birdie's interrogation goes absolutely nowhere, etc.
The only good parts are the explanation of the exhaust port, the whole Battle of Scarif, anytime K2S0 is on screen and, of course, Vader! TBG, those seem like parts of a different, better movie to me.
Been [re]watching Star Wars lately and so far I find it to be extremely childish and somehow annoying. I don't mind cartoons and animated movies there and then. But Star Wars is like 5 y/o material.

Am I the only one? Star Trek is a much better franchise.
i actually prefer star trek then star wars
They're decent films, and the trench run is a classic bit of cinema.

Main reason they're such a big deal culturally is the relentless branding and marketing that surrounds them.
From all Star Wars movies and shows, I liked the original trilogy and The Mandalorian.

Rogue One and Revenge of the Sith are ok too.

Everthing else sucks. The new films are terrible. Daisy Ridley is a terrible Jedi, annoying tom-boy-wannebe on a constant PMS.

Don't which one more annoying... Jar Jar or Rey.
Jar Jar was expressly designed to appeal to kids and many did like him. At least temporarily.
Rey was designed to empower women but failed in every way. As my daughter put it, "She's a terrible role model because everything she does is perfect so she sets an unattainable example which no-one can ever follow. Plus she's super boring." In doing so the rest of the cast (old &new) we're sacrificed to try and prop her up.
Therefore, IMHO, Rey is worse.
This guy gets it :cool:

He does indeed.

I think its one of those franchises that is remembered fondly because it broke new ground when it was initially released.

It was hugely influential and nothing had been seen quite like it before, SF tended to be clunky low budget or quirky SW changed the possibilities for the genre. Almost all SF movies to date owe it a debt. I watched the original in a cinema in '77 and was totally mesmerized. It became my favourite movie for many many years. The next two were good, very good. And thats it. Everything that came after that is just, well forgettable (Rogue One was decent however.)

Not wanting to drag up the age old debate of star wars vs star trek (found in the same pile as amiga vs pc, or nintendo vs sega)

Can't we all just get along?! I loved both of them...
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This came up on my feed, it sums up why Ewoks aren't actually terrible characters and are misunderstood

Let's not forget when they capture the Rebels they're ready to cook them alive until Luke does his Jedi powers on 3PO, everybody is quick to forget that even happens and how these aren't cute little harmless bears but deadly and vicious killers who brought down an army of Storm Troopers with weapons crafted from the forest
Let's not forget when they capture the Rebels they're ready to cook them alive until Luke does his Jedi powers on 3PO, everybody is quick to forget that even happens and how these aren't cute little harmless bears but deadly and vicious killers who brought down an army of Storm Troopers with weapons crafted from the forest

But they look so FLUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!

So says everyone who forgets that the warrior Ewoks decorate themselves with the skulls of their fallen enemies!! These are vicious pack hunters, just one look into those beady little hate-filled eyes (both facing front like any good predator) should be enough to fill even the bravest soul with terror and yet people somehow still imagine them to be cuddly kids toys! Hah, thats the last mistake they'd make before being roasted alive over a raging fire whilst these fur demons dance to your pitiful cries!

These beasts make the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog from The Holy Grail look like an amateur death dealer!

But they look so FLUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meh, I thought they were meant to be cute-sy or maybe its just bad costuming it'd all be CGI if done today of course. Either way they didn't bother me that much they were comic relief essentially. ROTJ is usually seen as the poor member of the OT but I really enjoyed it when I saw it in the cinema originally.
I rewatched voyager during lockdown thoroughly enjoyed it :D
Yeah but what about Tuvix?! No one talks about the legend that is Tuvix! I love Voyager, moreso then DS9 but not lets go there before I anger folks.

As for SW and Trek I enjoy them both really. Trek a little bit moreso. Star Wars totally died for me with the latest SJW trilogy - too many wasted characters like Finn and the asian girl, alongside scenes like that Casino. Force Awakens wasn't THAT bad but it was downhill from there regardless. The Mandalorian redeemed my faith in SW somewhat - that is one of the best shows of 2020!

I watched 4k/Atmos A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back on my AppleTV4k over Christmas and was very much surprised at how enjoyable the films still were. There were a TON of CGI additions to these films that I had to look up as I didn't remember them from my childhood. The most notable was Jabba outside the Falcon as Han/Luke/Obi-Wan initially board it after the shootout at the bar.
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