Am I the only one who thinks Star Wars suck?

Yes aside from the the first two and rogue one they all suck.

The writing/story/script is done by a committee of Uber nerds with no idea. The mandoborngdon is proof this where you only need to watch the last 3 episodes.
My friends convinced me to start watching them over Christmas. So far I've seen Ep 4, 5 and most of 6. They're not quite what I was expecting; I was waiting for it to be lore-filled and super nerdy but they're more like... family action adventure films set in space, not Mass Effect The Film. I'm quite enjoying them and the special effects must have been mind boggling in the lat 70s and early 80s!
@almoststew1990 The rich lore mainly comes from the extended universe which Disney promptly binned when they took it over despite being classed as 'canon'. Hundreds of books/comics/games/etc that they just ignored.

Nothing Disney have made, including Mandalorian comes close to the best of the EU books.

You're right though, despite being a big star wars fan, I totally see the movies as family adventure sci fi.
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So far I've seen Ep 4, 5 and most of 6. They're not quite what I was expecting; I was waiting for it to be lore-filled and super nerdy but they're more like... family action adventure films set in space!

And that's exactly what they are but many in here take them serious :) when I went to watch the first film in the 70s I had to take a 7 year old with me so I didn't look strange.
The tone of the extended universe is no different than the films. It's pulpy sci fi adventure, not 'lore-filled' at all. There is just a lot of it.

And Disney had to dump it, there was no other way to proceed.
it's a sign of growing up, it is depressing but it's just the way it goes.
We all remember enjoying reading comic books as a teenager but if you go back to them now it's not the same huh?
it's a sign of growing up, it is depressing but it's just the way it goes.
We all remember enjoying reading comic books as a teenager but if you go back to them now it's not the same huh?

There is a huge Star Wars thread on here where posters have torn films apart because there are small mistakes :)
My friends convinced me to start watching them over Christmas. So far I've seen Ep 4, 5 and most of 6. They're not quite what I was expecting; I was waiting for it to be lore-filled and super nerdy but they're more like... family action adventure films set in space, not Mass Effect The Film. I'm quite enjoying them and the special effects must have been mind boggling in the lat 70s and early 80s!

you can stop there :)
I'm old enough to remember Star Wars when it first came out, and also the interviews around it. In one, Lucas admitted that it was essentially panto recycled in space. Of course that was before release. After people decided that it was An Experience he quickly backtracked. But it was always intended as brain-dead adventure. Which it is. As someone who reads a lot of SF, it pains me enormously how much damage this set of films has done to the reputation of Science Fiction. Now most of the world thinks SF is spaceships, silly laser guns, cardboard characters, bad plotting and juvenile scripts. But the SFX will be good. And now no-one will take SF seriously because you can quote "The left of Darkness" as much as you want but they can just say: "Star Wars" and the argument that SF is for adults pretty much collapses.

Somewhere there is an epic rant about Star wars by Harlan Ellison. I agree with all of it.
Actually it’s all about D+77, D+80 and OTD83 now rather than despecialised ;)
I can see why people think Star Wars sucks. I know lots of people who hate the movies.

For myself, I don't have any particular like or dislike for Star Wars. Don't care about the lore or anything like that. But, I enjoyed watching all the movies apart from 2. The Phantom Menace was terrible, ruined by Jar Jar Binks. And the Rise of the Skywalker was also terrible. I thought they were building to something great with the previous two movies only for the third movie to dash it all against the rocks. I think they might have made 3 pretty good movies, if they weren't so focused on trying to shoehorn the characters from the movies made in the 70's into the new movies.

I liked Solo. And I thought Rogue One was good too.

If they never made another Star Wars movie, I wouldn't really care.
Rule of thumb is if you find yourself about to ask "DOES ANYONE ELSE X Y Z" the answer is of course you aren't the only one and there's no point asking
There were a TON of CGI additions to these films that I had to look up as I didn't remember them from my childhood. The most notable was Jabba outside the Falcon as Han/Luke/Obi-Wan initially board it after the shootout at the bar.

That started with the so called remastered versions that Lucas did available on VHS originally I've probably still got them lying around somewhere or other. Original Anakin Skywalker being replaced by Hayden Christensen still grates.
My friends convinced me to start watching them over Christmas. So far I've seen Ep 4, 5 and most of 6. They're not quite what I was expecting; I was waiting for it to be lore-filled and super nerdy but they're more like... family action adventure films set in space, not Mass Effect The Film. I'm quite enjoying them and the special effects must have been mind boggling in the lat 70s and early 80s!

I seem to recall that the essence of the original concept was to take the lowest form of movie and literary art (the Western) and set it in "space".
That started with the so called remastered versions that Lucas did available on VHS originally I've probably still got them lying around somewhere or other. Original Anakin Skywalker being replaced by Hayden Christensen still grates.
Yeah, back during those days I would only ever watch SW as a treat when it came on TV (ITV I believe) during holiday times ie Easter and Christmas I guess. Infact the 4K AppleTV versions are the first actual copy of the films that I have ever 'owned'. I was really surprised how much was added to the initial 3 films.
I think its one of those franchises that is remembered fondly because it broke new ground when it was initially released.

Im not a huge fan, i dont dislike the films, i will watch them if someone puts them on, but i wont go out of my way.

This is me.

All the films are pretty enjoyable popcorn fluff to some degree. The trench run in ep4 is a classic bit of cinema though no doubt.

I've never understood fandom though, attaching your own identity to a's weird. They're just films.

All the SW fils are vastly better than any of the formulaic MCU guff mind...
i loved the first 2 and could watch them easily today, the third i cant stand. I tried watching it last night and made it through about an hour, then the ewoks turned up and i turned off. But i was around when they first came out and the right age to appreciate them. 9 years old for star wars and it blew my mind, we had never seem effects of that quality up to then and the story was easy enough for a 9 year old to follow. 12 years old for the next , a bit more grown up and could handle the slightly darker story of Empire and its clearly the best of the 3. But Jedi, i was 14 then, and while the first two acts impressed the ewoks killed it for me and always have since.

I watched the original de-specialised versions over xmas and loved them. As above though, couldn't make it through jedi.

Luke is a sith though. Just watch him force choke those guards in RotJ, and whats with all the black! Sith all the way.
I'm with Flam, the first two are very good. The first because it was the Dambusters in space and mixed in other classic film and story elements too. The 2nd because it was well written and acted with an original storyline. The third seemed to descend into the muppet show with ridiculous and over the top baddies. Anything since has been dreadful, right up to the Mandalorian. Now that seems to be over, I don't have much hope for future stuff but we will see I guess. They might pull it out of the bag again with that woman out of the scene.
Episode 4-6 are great stuff. Quite adult I thought.

Episode 1 - take out Jaja Binks and the race and replace with something more mature then you get a great film. A lot of people give the young skywalker’s portray a beating but hey he s meant to be like 7-8yr old. Lewis Hamilton was interviewed by blue Peter around the same age. The stuff that was spoken is quite reminiscent of the films character.

Episode 2&3 are teen flicks

Episode 7 - generally decent, I think it is a great reboot. Lots of introductions - rey’s origin, why the forces are strong with her, why the affinity to Luke’s light saver, how does her manage to use force so proficiently without any training, what’s the story with kylo and wha happened to Luke and all the jedis he s trained etc as well as what the story will be for Poe and Finn, who will the next “solo” of the franchise. a lot of intrigues. Also the way it was filmed and the story was told, is a nod to the original sequels. I love it.

Episode 8 - complete utter mess. Poor story telling poor direction. Utter crap character building or lack of. None of the questions proposed by 7 was adequately answered. You might as well pull episode 8 out of the franchise and label it as a mini film about that time line or an alternative timeline and it wouldn’t even have any conituinty issues with the rest of the franchise. That’s how useless it was.

episode 9 - tried to correct the mistake of 8, tried to build up the back story again, too much to do. Felt the film should be 2 parts and then the story would have been given much more emphasis on how each character arrives at their position in the tineline and the necessity of going all over the galaxy to Collect things and find Palpotine. Anyway as the direct result of 8, 9 is a bit of a shamble. Everything felt rushed and left many many questions in 7 still unanswered. Unsatisfactory.
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