Amanda Knoxx retrial

Wasn't Knox doing kart wheels, splits and laughing while waiting at the police station? Each to there own on how we deal with stress.

According to who? If the answer is "The Italian Police" then the answer is probably: No. And posters need to understand that people do all sorts of weird things under stress, so even if it is true, it means nothing. Again: someone confessed to this crime.
According to who? If the answer is "The Italian Police" then the answer is probably: No. And posters need to understand that people do all sorts of weird things under stress, so even if it is true, it means nothing. Again: someone confessed to this crime.

It's what I read on the bbc, Knox testified to these action in court it was her way of 'dealing with the situation' or words to that effect.
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The US do not have to resort to the Double Jeopardy rule anyway...according to their extradition treaty any extradition must be validated with a "case summary that gives reasonable basis for the guilt of the person being sought for extradition". I can't see any US State Official making such a decision given the inadequacies of both the evidence and the issues with the investigation.

Also the US have no reason to comply with or obligation to the ECHR.

Yet the UK side of the extradition treaty we have with them doesn't require prima facie evidence. Off topic I know but disgusting nontheless.
I wonder what back room deal was done between the Italian and American governments to quash the conviction long enough to get her out of the country?

As usual the Americans refuse to believe one of their citizens could possibly be guilty of anything outside of the USA.

Whether she is guilty or not would not have mattered. They would have still got her back.
Thank you for proving my point about everyone (OK, you) thinking that they are an expert on something which actually no-one is an expert on. There's endless research which shows just how bad people are at judging the emotions of others when watching them, and the same research shows how much better the same people think that they are. And this applies to people with plenty of training at doing so as well.

Are you a psychiatrist/psychologist with the relevant qualifications, spent time interviewing and speaking to Amanda Knox, do you have the relevant psychological assessments and an indepth knowlege of her personality and the personal exposure to her character and so on to make an objective assessment.....or are you simply basing your opinion on a TV interview which would be both edited and controlled to ensure she was comfortable and able to answer the questions effectively?

I watched it and thought that she was quite emotional, so it seems that your opinion is subjective, as is mine, rather than objective unless you fulfil the criteria above.

So if you not an expert your not allowed to expression an unqualified opinion on weather you think someone is a sociopath or not? All I've done is read what's in the public domain, the testimonies, the police reports, her interviews and what Knox her self said under oath. I've met all sorts of people in life and it my common sense tells me the giggling and acting with gay abandon isn't what you would expect when you've just been arrested for murder.
So if you not an expert your not allowed to expression an unqualified opinion on weather you think someone is a sociopath or not? All I've done is read what's in the public domain, the testimonies, the police reports, her interviews and what Knox her self said under oath. I've met all sorts of people in life and it my common sense tells me the giggling and acting with gay abandon isn't what you would expect when you've just been arrested for murder.

I wouldn't worry about them, it's pot calling kettle black. You won't beat the self proposed fountain of all knowledge ;)
It's May now. Our annual "Where's Maddy?" campaign will soon be kicking off conducted by the guilty themselves so I'm waiting to that...
So if you not an expert your not allowed to expression an unqualified opinion on weather you think someone is a sociopath or not? All I've done is read what's in the public domain, the testimonies, the police reports, her interviews and what Knox her self said under oath. I've met all sorts of people in life and it my common sense tells me the giggling and acting with gay abandon isn't what you would expect when you've just been arrested for murder.

you can state all the opinions you like, just not authoritatively and definitively as you did by stating you knew what to look for as if you are an authority on the subject.

Meeting people in life ( I wonder just how many diagnosed sociopaths you have actually met) and assuming your "common sense" has any authority to judge someone's guilt or innocence based on such subjective criteria is the opposite of "common sense" to be fair.

For what it is worth I have seen some people do some pretty weird and inexplicable things when under pressure or in shock so I wouldn't read too much into what people do in such situations.
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So if you not an expert your not allowed to expression an unqualified opinion on weather you think someone is a sociopath or not?

Of course you are allowed to. Just as we are allowed to point out how much **** you are talking when you do so. If you have some qualifications on judging human character by watching them on TV, now would be a good time to declare them. Otherwise I'll file you under "Internet Expert".
It's May now. Our annual "Where's Maddy?" campaign will soon be kicking off conducted by the guilty themselves so I'm waiting to that...

They've already been at it, the day after the April Jones trial came back into focus, closely followed by the Needhams.

A cynic would say they're just trying to steal focus from the Jones trial.

Oh and I also, wholeheartedly, believe the McCanns know what happened to Maddy.

So Both were found guilty on another appeal...Knox is pretty much untouchable I suspect, but I feel for Sollecito as he will no doubt go back to Prison.

So what happens now? Is there another sentencing, or are the original sentences upheld? And is there another appeal possible?

I found out that Knox was sentenced to 28 years and 6 months (2.5 years more than she was originally sentenced to) and Sollecito to 25 years (the same). They asked Sollecito to surrender his Passport so why not simply lock him up?

I don't understand Italian Justice!
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I have no idea if she did it or not but I don't trust the legal system of a country that puts seismologists in jail after an earthquake and allows the likes of Berlusconi to get away with what he did for as long as he did.
Charges were dropped, under US law she would be untouchable (double-jeopardy laws), will be interesting to see if Italy file for extradition and whether US agree even though it would break her US rights. Under extradition treaties the us laws have been written over to be compliant with italian law. So italy deem her guilty US have to accept and hand her over.

Except the US might actually decide that they don't want to give up their double-jeopardy rights and effectively nullify their extradition treaty. If they do this then what right does the US have to demand the extradition of Snowden from Russia?

Knox is a pretty popular girl in the US, I don't suppose obama will want the pr of giving a us citizen away that under us law would be a free woman. Lots of cloak and dagger going to go on I reckon.

Kinda ridiculous that the Italian state can charge a person, th person lodge an appeal and be deemed innocent but then the state decide they want to appeal that decision.
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