Amazon Supermarkets

THis is just a slight step above self scanning and probably safer from thieves too, because of the complete big brother CCTV setups.

i don't really see the huge fuss.

They wont put them in crappy areas.

If anything its dumb and extremely limiting to the additional customers you can get hat arent tech inclined or amazon account holders....

Maybe this will be more normal in a generation or 2.
THis is just a slight step above self scanning and probably safer from thieves too, because of the complete big brother CCTV setups.

i don't really see the huge fuss.

They wont put them in crappy areas.

If anything its dumb and extremely limiting to the additional customers you can get hat arent tech inclined or amazon account holders....

Maybe this will be more normal in a generation or 2.
THis is just a slight step above self scanning and probably safer from thieves too, because of the complete big brother CCTV setups.

i don't really see the huge fuss.

They wont put them in crappy areas.

If anything its dumb and extremely limiting to the additional customers you can get hat arent tech inclined or amazon account holders....

Maybe this will be more normal in a generation or 2.

So its elitist as well as disciminatory. Got it!
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