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OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
@Gibbo This launch certainly has been crazy, can't imagine what it is like for you guys having thousands of people want to buy from you and having hardly any new cards to sell.
Because you will be selling these extremely quickly I assume there would be no restocking fee when I refuse my delivery tomorrow? (6800xt) and return it? decided I will wait for a 3080 instead.

Your customer rights remain, so it will be as per usual and RMA/CS team will sort you out, sorry I cannot give more detail but I keep away from the other areas of the business as my head is a total mess trying to deal with these none stop launches which at the moment are just causing mayhem, in Oct/Nov NVIDIA have released several GPU's with very poor supply, AMD released CPU's with poor supply, AMD released GPU's with very poor supply, lockdown happened causing huge demand, Black Friday is here causing demand, their is a general component shortage and in general not a single employee in OcUK is having an easy time right now, everyone is working at 110% and under heavy stress, it really seems like everything is trying to happen at once instead of trying to spread it out across the other months of the year its all being squeezed into a couple.

We cannot complain because obviously business is booming, but I think I say this for all the staff we will be glad to see the back of 2020 and hope 2021 will be a more normal year and that manufacturers will learn from these product launches and the havoc they cause and come up with a better way of doing it.
30 Nov 2014
Thatcham in Berkshire.
Your customer rights remain, so it will be as per usual and RMA/CS team will sort you out, sorry I cannot give more detail but I keep away from the other areas of the business as my head is a total mess trying to deal with these none stop launches which at the moment are just causing mayhem, in Oct/Nov NVIDIA have released several GPU's with very poor supply, AMD released CPU's with poor supply, AMD released GPU's with very poor supply, lockdown happened causing huge demand, Black Friday is here causing demand, their is a general component shortage and in general not a single employee in OcUK is having an easy time right now, everyone is working at 110% and under heavy stress, it really seems like everything is trying to happen at once instead of trying to spread it out across the other months of the year its all being squeezed into a couple.

We cannot complain because obviously business is booming, but I think I say this for all the staff we will be glad to see the back of 2020 and hope 2021 will be a more normal year and that manufacturers will learn from these product launches and the havoc they cause and come up with a better way of doing it.

At least you don't sell the consoles, that would have been another 2 launches with little stock available. :p
8 Jan 2012
@Gibbo This launch certainly has been crazy, can't imagine what it is like for you guys having thousands of people want to buy from you and having hardly any new cards to sell.
Because you will be selling these extremely quickly I assume there would be no restocking fee when I refuse my delivery tomorrow? (6800xt) and return it? decided I will wait for a 3080 instead.

Why would you even go through the madness of a buying at launch to instantly just return it
8 Oct 2013
@Gibbo This launch certainly has been crazy, can't imagine what it is like for you guys having thousands of people want to buy from you and having hardly any new cards to sell.
Because you will be selling these extremely quickly I assume there would be no restocking fee when I refuse my delivery tomorrow? (6800xt) and return it? decided I will wait for a 3080 instead.

@Gibbo I'll take that one off your hand cough cough save all the trouble of re-listing :p
16 Aug 2017
I do not benefit if we sell at -5% or at 50% (we don't make 50% on any component by the way, we do make -5% though sometimes, but rarely, thats mainly when clearing old lines), no purchaser in OcUK operates on a commission-based system and there is no profit share schemes of any kind, that I swear on with my own life and my families, of course you still may wish to not believe it but that is the truth. Staff earn money from their job and whatever other sources of income they may have and how they spend their cash is upto them.

The SUGGESTED retail price is exactly that, and the suggested price was single digit margin before we even took into account the cost to run the company and with how much work these launches create if they are not profitable it's pointless and as the saying goes the customer can shop elsewhere if they are unhappy with OcUK price. We could have listed the 6800 XT at £1499 and sold them all 10x over, but we made it fair and our margin was under 15% before taking into account operating cost which on a product that is extremely limited with huge demand and no supply we felt our price was fair.

These style launches are causing absolute havoc, in my 20 years I have never seen such poor supply or such outrageous demand, in launches of the past we would be absolutely shocked if we sold even close to 1000 cards in the first day and normally we'd have a solid 500+ on hand for a launch, remember I use to build huge pyramids and castles and normally the stock would not sell out or would at least take a few days to do so.

Now we can sell 10,000+ cards in a day and have less than a few hundred for the launch, demand has gone up 10x fold, supply is lower, the two don't go together, its deeply fustrating for ourselves just as it is our customers as we just wish the manufacturers would postpone the launches until they had much larger inventories built up and were also setting much more realistic MSRP's for both resellers and board partners to make a living from. Think it over there is a reason why custom cards from both green and red team cost a lot more than the launch editions so to speak.

For those interested in a 6800 (NONE XT), the surplus stock will go live tomorrow morning, the time I shall post tomorrow to help ensure forum members get the lead on getting one. :)

In other words, all this MSRP by NVidia and AMD are just marketing stunts, with small pilot number of "FE" models just to "prove" these prices are real. Then we see real AIB prices being £100+ higher (often more). Just very bad behaviour of both of AMD and NVidia here, creating hype trains and false impression of prices. And then there's also the horribly low stock... In any case, we can't blame retailers for that, I reckon.
And I assume competition having low prices whilst almost not having cards could've had some agreement with AMD for cheaper initial shipment (marketing stunt again) but we most likely won't have such low prices again for many months there.
15 Jun 2005
Our CS teams monitor the forums and ebay, from the post here and from cards listed on ebay if they were found to be orders from OcUK they got cancelled, we actively monitor that as such and take action
So OcUK are prepared to take action when someone else chooses to sell at above RRP. Interesting moral stance.
22 Jul 2019
I do not benefit if we sell at -5% or at 50% (we don't make 50% on any component by the way, we do make -5% though sometimes, but rarely, thats mainly when clearing old lines), no purchaser in OcUK operates on a commission-based system and there is no profit share schemes of any kind, that I swear on with my own life and my families, of course you still may wish to not believe it but that is the truth. Staff earn money from their job and whatever other sources of income they may have and how they spend their cash is upto them.

The SUGGESTED retail price is exactly that, and the suggested price was single digit margin before we even took into account the cost to run the company and with how much work these launches create if they are not profitable it's pointless and as the saying goes the customer can shop elsewhere if they are unhappy with OcUK price. We could have listed the 6800 XT at £1499 and sold them all 10x over, but we made it fair and our margin was under 15% before taking into account operating cost which on a product that is extremely limited with huge demand and no supply we felt our price was fair.

I dont post here much at all but today's launch failure certainly grabbed my interest. To make a point of this Gibbo you're wrong to think you can sell at £1400 as there is a part of the Consumer rights act 2015 and a government authority called the Competition and Markets Authority that looks after said consumer rights and whilst Im happy to promote capitalism at its finest and competition generally if you were to hold stock you had to a high ransom such as £1499 when no one else had stock or extremely low amount of stock such as now, you'd would be anticompetitive to say the least and this could end up as a fine to the company. Just making sure you're aware.
16 Aug 2017
Hay no one else asked :p

We should have forum dance off to allocate the returns ..... At least bots couldn't get hands on the cards then.

Well, dance off means I can't get any. ;( On the more serious note, what will happen with these returned cards? I am sure more people will return them - some just bought them because FOMO and didn't like reviews etc. And if OC just put them back on the shelf and post on the website, bots will vacuum them instantly... :/
16 Aug 2009
Dear oh dear what a mess. Didn't get a sniff of a card forum pooped itself couldn't find the card page couldn't find a link who woud'a guessed they would appear on Twitter? I don't have much confidence in future launches honestly so took the oppurtunity to pick up something on one of the FE drops today. Didn't get a sniff of a 5xxx either because someone ahem put the wrong time on the launch. Picked up one of those off a reseller for a slightly inflated price so thats two sales lost. Maybe on the unlikely chance I'll pick up something on one of the subsequent launches I'll return the FE or pass it on but at least I have something to play with I don't think I can bear waiting months for a restock. Oh well.

n.b. if the 6800's reference's are done and dusted does that mean that 6900XT's are a single drop too? There are AIB's rumoured for those next year.

ScottiB said:

Appreciate the time you took to clarify the situation. Thanks.
18 Oct 2002
Cambridge, UK
We cannot complain because obviously business is booming, but I think I say this for all the staff we will be glad to see the back of 2020 and hope 2021 will be a more normal year and that manufacturers will learn from these product launches and the havoc they cause and come up with a better way of doing it.

Is this why you have taken the business decision to consistently overcharge your customers for every significant product launch in 2020, do you not worry that as things normalise in 2021 you might have ended up doing inerrable harm to your business?

Sure at the moment you can get away with it us you seem to be one of they only retailers with any stock but people do have long memories, in the future do you think your current policy will make it more/less likely that people will buy from OcUK? When things normalise in 2021 I do worry that you will have made yourself a pariah, people are being pretty restrained on this forum, on others you're being ripped to shreds!

I do understand the stock situation, I do understand it must be stressful, I don't understand why OcUK has taken the decision to basically overcharge it's customers. I know you're not the only retailor doing it but to your credit you are one that at least offers a dialogue with your customers, as such you must see the dissatisfaction this is causing. Low/no stock and overcharging is not a great look is it! On a complete sidenote I would also "have a word" with 8Pack, coming into a thread to just pour a bit of salt on the wound just isn't a fab idea either.

I've been on this forum since 1998, I've been building PCs/computers since getting a ZX80 (yes I'm really old), this year has been ****, you just feel like you being mugged off.

You've got to do something about your website, that at least is within your control, the fact that it goes belly up on every single launch and has now way control stock in real time again is just adding to peoples frustrations. If business is booming then use the peak in demand/profit to improve your infrastructure. Taking peoples money when you know you don't have the stock to back it up just isn't cricket, you need to sort that out ASAP. If you're going to sell products at a premium price then you need to provide a premium service, surely it's not too much to ask to have a working website/stock control?
Last edited:
7 Apr 2010

Yerrrr this^

With the 5000 series of cpus i dont think it was a paper launch and looks like a lot of people will have gotten the cpus by end of this month, but my god was nvidia 3080 and now this 6800/xt launch a paper launch.

Zero stock anywhere it seems so the rumors about less then a few hundred units sounds correct now as places that said they had stock had no stock at all and didnt even go live with them.
30 Nov 2014
Thatcham in Berkshire.
Why would you even go through the madness of a buying at launch to instantly just return it
Because A.) I didn't realise they being sold at £80 over the msrp as prices weren't revealed until 2pm and even then all websites were down.
B.) I didn't have time to read reviews until after buying because of the stupid embargo time.and tommw the 3080 looks the better option.
18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
Is this why you have taken the business decision to consistently overcharge your customers for every significant product launch in 2020, do you not worry that as things normalise in 2021 you might have ended up doing inerrable harm to your business?

Sure at the moment you can get away with it us you seem to be one of they only retailers with any stock but people do have long memories, in the future do you think your current policy will make it more/less likely that people will buy from OcUK? When things normalise in 2021 I do worry that you will have made yourself a pariah, people are being pretty restrained on this forum, on others you're being ripped to shreds!

I do understand the stock situation, I do understand it must be stressful, I don't understand why OcUK has taken the decision to basically overcharge it's customers. I know you're not the only retailor doing it but to your credit you are one that at least offers a dialogue with your customers, as such you must see the dissatisfaction this is causing. Low/no stock and overcharging is not a great look is it! On a complete sidenote I would also "have a word" with 8Pack, coming into a thread to just pour a bit of salt on the wound just isn't a fab idea either.

I've been on this forum since 1998, I've been building PCs/computers since getting a ZX80 (yes I'm really old), this year has been ****, you just feel like you being mugged off.

You've got to do something about your website, that at least is within your control, the fact that it goes belly up on every single launch and has now way control stock in real time again is just adding to peoples frustrations. If business is booming then use the peak in demand/profit to improve your infrastructure. Taking peoples money when you know you don't have the stock to back it up just isn't cricket, you need to sort that out ASAP. If you're going to sell products at a premium price then you need to provide a premium service, surely it's not too much to ask to have a working website/stock control?

It's best to not take any of it personally. Ocuk is a great forum. Just see it as that. When it comes to purchases, just do the search for best price and decide from that.

Whenever I've built pcs in recent years I've had components come from 3-4 different sources.
30 Nov 2014
Thatcham in Berkshire.
@Gibbo I'll take that one off your hand cough cough save all the trouble of re-listing :p
If there were a way of me selling to you without me being out of pocket I would gladly do it.
I'm still worried I will get stuck with a restocking fee even though there is zero chance this card won't fly out of the door within seconds of being returned.
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