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AMD Bulldozer Finally!

Wonder how many people who were on the fence have opted to go SB due to the wait?

I'm still waiting and can't wait much longer (my HTPC is borked and I need to put my current Q6600 and mobo in there so no HTPC until AMD let me decide whether or not BD is my next CPU or not!)
I think the problem with Sandy Bridge is it is only a quad even though its super quick if like me over the last 15 years your upgrade path has been 1 core >> duel core >> quad core you kind of expect more cores when upgrading even if you don't really need them at the moment. I will be waiting for Bulldozer and really hope the 8 cores OC nicely on air or with sealed WC units. If the 3.6 can OC between 4.5ghz - 5Ghz and is close clock to clock with SB and the prices are as good as rumoured AMD could have a brilliant chip on its hands.
I COULDN'T care less if it's Intel or AMD. Liquid Nitrogen and Helium overclocks are always exciting. What gets me is when people believe these overclocks say anything about real world overclocking and performance. For example Phenom 2 does great under sub-zero temperatures but we all know it's not that exciting under air or even water.

I think the problem is people take these overclocking world records too seriously when really they're basically marketing for what ever company holds the record of highest overclocked CPU.
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You argue my point toward the end of your paragraph by saying Sandy Bridge can't come close to that record....a record which that Phenom 2 came close to....yet we all know that Sandy Bridge is a far better chip than Phenom 2.

End of the day its irrelevant which processor has the World record,I think most users here are far more interested in what the typical overclocking performance most users can realistically expect from BD retail chip on their typical system.

I don't see the big deal about CPU WR to be honest.
All I care about is real benchmarks including OC and what retail BD will offer in the real world to gamers like myself.
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also before accusing me of being a 'troll' or anything like that, I have been a Pro-Bulldozer person for long time, all for technological evolution (hence why I dislike Greenpeace so much, but that is another debate altogether!) and understand that Bulldozer is the future of AMD. all for clever solutions to problems and I find the Bulldozer architecture pretty inspired in its simplicity and should take the fight to Intel quite nicely, especially considering its price point!

also the moon landing did nothing for me, was a publicity stunt if there ever was one, since then we have taken massive strides backwards rather than forward. it could have ushered in a new era but guess what, it didn't because people are afraid of the unknown and politics quite simply ruin our progression as a species.

breaking the land speed record did nothing either, someone breaks it, someone 'one ups' them and so on, don't understand the relevance in the real-world, like I said earlier a Ford Focus can go Mach 3 if you strap a solid rocket booster to it, but how is that remotely relevant to the motor industry for example or the people who buy the products?

here is a better way for me to put it, from a technical stand point, even though the chip is completely crippled and cooled by an ultra-exotic set-up then its pretty awesome achievement and yes it shows the potential of the process even at this young stage, but at the end of the day it still affects me in no way shape or form if or when I purchase a Bulldozer CPU, it affects you in no way shape or form either, so why am I getting called negative for being a realist? I been praising the development of Bulldozer since the early days of this thread and the first time I say something is irrelevant I get stick, cheers. :rolleyes:

Breaking the land speed record may not have a direct impact on you today, but the tech and knowledge gained doing that will be applicable to other fields, and will likely lead to the furthering of useful human knowledge at sometime in the future. You're opinion is very short sighted and closed minded, and if everyone was like you, we'd likely be far less advanced today than we are now.
Breaking the land speed record may not have a direct impact on you today, but the tech and knowledge gained doing that will be applicable to other fields, and will likely lead to the furthering of useful human knowledge at sometime in the future. You're opinion is very short sighted and closed minded, and if everyone was like you, we'd likely be far less advanced today than we are now.

6.5Ghz was the AMD world record for Phenom X4 according to a quick search, most retail chips at the time could barely break 3.8ghz and only now are reaching 4.0-4.2ghz fully stable and on reasonable cooling/voltages.

That's why I will await retail samples before getting excited about world records and sensationalist headlines.

im not getting my hopes up to high yet about the overclocking untill BD is out and we've seen the safety voltages/temps from amd.

if every or most retail 8150 chips can do 5ghz or 5.5ghz fully stable within the safety voltages/temps then great. but at this moment we don't know the safety voltages/temps of BD from amd.
Interesting find - notice anything here for those that claimed launch or shipping or whatever was today?

One frame from a vid:


End of the day its irrelevant which processor has the World record,I think most users here are far more interested in what the typical overclocking performance most users can realistically expect from BD retail chip on their typical system.

I don't see the big deal about CPU WR to be honest.
All I care about is real benchmarks including OC and what retail BD will offer in the real world to gamers like myself.

Look at Zoomees post above seems thats where the rumour came from and now debunked because artist just used some old slide.

I don't think that's where it originated.
There was a mid September slated date, but that fell.
Latest rumours 4-5 weeks, well that's my take on it from various forum posts.

I'm guessing more like just over 3 weeks, but less than 4 weeks.
You argue my point toward the end of your paragraph by saying Sandy Bridge can't come close to that record....a record which that Phenom 2 came close to....yet we all know that Sandy Bridge is a far better chip than Phenom 2.

I really don't know what your point is, firstly you didn't argue this you just said the speed meant nothing and told us nothing, you were wrong, secondly I didn't argue this point, theres no hint of it.

When you have no argument, pretend someone else said something that agrees with you and claim the win.

Firstly Phenom 2 came no closer to breaking the record than Sandy bridge, hexcore 32nm Intel i7's either went faster or matched the best hexcore Thuban chips, which went 200-300Mhz faster than the best quad core Phenom chips. The hexcores barely broke 7Ghz and came no where near the record, at all, the previous chip was a 65nm, cut down prescott that launched 5th Jan 2006, that was early 65nm chips aswell afaik, so no chip in 5 years has broken that record, over 5 and a half years actually.
but at the end of the day it still affects me in no way shape or form if or when I purchase a Bulldozer CPU, it affects you in no way shape or form either, so why am I getting called negative for being a realist?

You wonder why you are portrayed as being negative?

Who's got the title of the worlds fastest man?

How do you think Asafa Powell felt when Usain Bolt beat his record?

World records are there to be broken, that's the point of them, bragging rights to the owner of the title, whether it affects us or not.

I'm in no way portraying BD as the second messiah either in case you misinterpret my post.

The fact that it achieved those speeds is an achievement in itself regardless whether it's good/bad in normal desktop form.
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The 5.5 Ghz sealed unit on demo wasnt said to be unstable? Where did you see that.
Bah ignore that I got the clock speed wrong on the sealed unit it was more like 4.8 stable.
If I remember right it was said most that were picked out could get to 5.5 but weren't trying to stabilise at that speed, as they were just picking out the better chips for the record attempt.
Saying that am full of a cold so I could be remebering totally wrong as I feel like I have a brain made of cotton wool at the minute :)

it was stable for a CPU-Z screeny, doesnt meant that it could handle prime stressing tho...

Yes in general that people keep seeming to ignore, this was just quick testing to find what they unscientifically felt were the best chips, bang in, check vid, spend 5 minutes with first chip in windows upping clocks till it crashes, then the next chip, if it crashes at a higher speed...... better pile, worse speed, worse pile, etc, etc. Failure to run 24/7 prime in an event where they tested the chip for 3 minutes doesn't mean it couldn't, or that it could, being able to hit 5.5Ghz in a matter of seconds for uber quick random testing is pretty impressive.

The 4.8Ghz also isn't ANY indicator of stability and where it can overclock to, you don't pick a single system and run it right next to the edge of stability and watch a bunch of reporters laugh when it crashes, it was just a safe easy overclock on fairly cack cooling.

The fact that they choose 4.8Ghz as a safe overclock on a test system on Bulldozers first "real" public appearance, when most Phenom 2's can barely break 4Ghz is a pretty big clock increase.
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