Do you think that SLI support for the new AMD chipsets will be alright? Or will it be buggy?
I wouldn't think it would be great, look at the [H] trifire/tri sli review, look at the massive improvement SLi gets from both having a better cpu AND being on a NF200 chipset, while AMD on the much faster cpu got a tiny increase and a large decrease in some area's.
Of course Nvidia's way is often to sabotage the opposition, AMD generally hasn't done the same so Nvidia could be great, but I wouldn't expect Nvidia to be putting a load of effort into tweaking its drivers to work great with AMD chipsets.
Update 2:
We have been contacted by GIGABYTE and they confirmed that the chat conversation and all the details are fake
Its all malarky, it still could be true but Gigabyte certainly don't want to be the guys who outted AMD's secret, AMD don't like it when their secrets get out
It could be fake, it might not be, it could be a well worked way to make everyone think Bulldozer is crap.
Think Cayman, its a brilliant chip, it really is, I for MONTHS, maybe 8 months before said it would be under 400mm2, its unlikely to dramatically improve performance per mm2, and its unlikely to be more than 20% faster. Most people thought this, right before release certain people go around suggesting magical 60% improvements in performance, then the 20% faster it actually is suddenly looks rubbish
Like I said, I wasn't expecting Superpi gains, no ones said it, you'll find me saying to people who insist they won't buy it unless Super pi is great, that its unlikely to improve dramatically. If it did, bonus, if it didn't, it won't necessarily have any effect on the speed of other applications.
Kind of like Furmark, as a tool to extract and use every transistor at once, its great, no other software, full stop, can do this, so its rather irrelevant. Super pi is great if you want to bench it, but in reality its SO simple it bears no relevance to anything else.
It could suggest great single threaded performance, but mostly in certain situations, always nice to have but won't necessarily make a different anywhere else.
Its hard not to get caught up in the hype and optimism of new stuff, its half the fun of getting new kit.
The thing that mostly irks me is this insistance on ANY hint of good performance in an AMD gpu/cpu that everyone suddenly assumes good performane = AMD will massively over price whatever it is.
We've seen for YEARS and dozens of products that AMD do not do that, even if it spanked a 2600k, they wouldn't price it at £500.