AMD Carrizo Benchmarks Leaked – Double The Performance of Kaveri
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AMD Roadmap Update: Kaveri Refresh Landing this Year, Carrizo Might Come to Desktop in BGA
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The A10 7850K scores around 270 Mpix/s while Intel’s HD5200 Iris Pro scores a more modest 200 Mpix/s. Carriso scores here over 600 Mpix/s which suggests that Carrizo is more than twice as fast as Kaveri and three times faster than Iris Pro.
To put this into perspective this is what an R7 265 graphics card scores, a card that offers the same graphics performance inside the Playstation 4.
Ok, wow, if thats true colour me impressed, very impressed.
But what about the CPU?
Deja vu,
don't be fooled again by sisoftware rumours again, please Humbug.
We might aswell copy everything from this thread below and paste it into this thread renaming it to Carrizo.
That's HSA, it's quite a different thing. And that performance
does translate, see spoiler.
Besides that ^^^^^^, this is about Pixel Fill Rate, the GPU's horse power.
Thats pretty good for a 35 Watt APU, now we need to see how it compares to the 65 Watt i5 5675C in Boom's link
I think this at 35 Watts is as fast as the 95 Watt 7870K, tho i could be wrong?
Intels part in Anads link draws nearly twice the power of this APU, its not really a fair comparison, i think its pretty damned good for a mobile part at around HD 7750 performance.
Oh i thought you said that performance does translate earlier in the thread Humbug, so i just added it here to save you looking.
Can't see the performance there and we certainly shouldn't be judging its capabilities at 720p on 3d mark scores.
There's a few things impressive about Carrizo, the apu's performance relative to its power envelope is impressive. Also the apu has a uvd 6 engine which is fantastic for htpc and superior to Tonga too, This is the problem with the kaveri refresh as it still uses the inferior uvd 4.2 engine, I believe.
Intel cannot compete with Iris Pro 6100 at the same power envelope as Carrizo, so broadwell mobile is inferior. Desktop Iris Pro 6200 looks to have slightly stronger 1080p performance however it uses more power.
It's great that Intel are finally forcing Amd to improve in their apu graphics performance as for 2 years on the trot Intel have held the crown for the better Igp. Cost aside let's see how skylake's gt4e performs.
Carrizo is perfectly balanced for a mobile laptop chip, The Igp is not 7750 ddr3 let alone 7750 gddr5 performance, I think it's similar to r7 250 which is a ddr3/gddr5 384 shader desktop card. But for 35w it's still an impressive package but lacking 1080p drive.
So far 3dmark11 scores which aren't representative of true gaming show roughly the following from what I've seen, but not tested my self.
Carrizo Mobile = 1600/2750
Kaveri Desktop A10 7850/70k =2350/3200
Kaveri Mobile = 2100
Intel Broadwell desktop 6200 edram = 3000
Intel Broadwell Mobile 6100 = 1700