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AMD Confirms GCN Cards Don’t Feature Full DirectX 12 Support – Feature Level 11_1 on GCN 1.0, Featur

Async compute is the biggest bang in DX 12 IMHO...finally handling task parallel can bring a great performance jump

Easy to miss with Dx12 is this
the developer gain hardware control for the first time.
adding 30-40% in project cars for example without a engine written for it specifically shows the potential.
Todays game engines wont have as much boost as a game engine built for dx12 as it will have a boost at a % most cant understand yet as we talk 200-600%. DX12 is a big thing and AMD support it.
Threads like these make Amd look unfairly subpar.

You missed the bit about that being the point.

If nvidia has a trivial feature (which at this very moment in time with zero DX12 games it is) it's totally weak that AMD doesn't.

If AMD has a feature nvidia doesn't have, it's totally trivial.

I'm completely agnostic card wise. It's still fairly obvious to spot threads attempting cheap punches then trying it's hardest to look down it's nose at folks. Leave it alone, lets get all the current gen cards out, folks can buy the best one for their budget and start measuring and comparing their new toys with all needed knowledge available.
Or it could be because one vendor has substantially more technologies to speak of? Doesn't really matter who makes the threads or not, does it...

If someone reports a 3-1 loss it's hardly the reporters fault. Even if for some reason he's getting a kick out of it behind the scenes lol.

There are people curious about the feature level support on Hawaii so obviously it's not all that trivial. Some people probably aren't looking to upgrade for a year or few months at least...

Nothing is trivial about DX12.
You missed the bit about that being the point.

If nvidia has a trivial feature (which at this very moment in time with zero DX12 games it is) it's totally weak that AMD doesn't.

If AMD has a feature nvidia doesn't have, it's totally trivial.

I'm completely agnostic card wise. It's still fairly obvious to spot threads attempting cheap punches then trying it's hardest to look down it's nose at folks. Leave it alone, lets get all the current gen cards out, folks can buy the best one for their budget and start measuring and comparing their new toys with all needed knowledge available.

Typically its the other way round, the AMD PR machine is quite active on this forum, blowing things out of proportion. Then when actual facts appear and someone posts them they get abuse thrown at them for "trolling".

This thread is simply correcting the misinformation that was going around that all gcn cards had "tier 3" support for DX12.

Information is fine, it degenerates in to name calling because some people seem to not like having information posted up.
Well would have been nice to put up some info regarding all cards with feature levels instead of leaving it at nividia supports full dx 12 while AMD dosnt.
Maxwell 2 supports 12_1 then ot falls down hill for the rest of Nvidia line up. AMD has 11_1 and 12 support which is second highest and few Nvidia cards dont even support this. Seem AMD has higher support levels accross the board of cards Vs Nvidia but threads like this seem to put things in a different light.
And tbh with tech that is almost 2 years old suppporting high feature levels of Dx 12 is outstanding but then again iits very similar to mantle so not as supprising when you look at it that way. Dx12 probs has other features mantle didnt.
So you'll be making sure to play it on existing hardware as you don't expect to have to upgrade to use new API's?

IF there was nothing new in DX12, I would just keep my kepler cards... as it is I can sell 2 of my keplers and get 1 Maxwell2 card (with a bit of change to spare) and have the same performance now with an extra bit of DX12 thrown in for good measure

as it stands it sounds like AMD's current and upcoming lineup are missing out on DX12 features and that DX12 will be here before they have cards with full support

the fact is, lots of people are looking at buying new cards now, not in 6 months time when DX12 games are actually being released, so having at least a rough idea of what to expect until the proper next gen of GPU's comes out late next year

if a reliable source popped up saying that the card I was about to buy was missing out on the main new features of DX12 then obviously I would be more tempted to hold out until Pascal, but based on the information currently available I'll go ahead and trade 2 cards for 1 as it's costing me nothing

everyone is different though, so if DX12 support isn't important to you and you would rather wait another year+ to upgrade then fair play to you
So did I get this right? Nvidia supports higher feature levels, while amd supports better resource binding tier? Does any of these actually matter in first couple of years of dx12 games where developers need to get used to so many new things?
No the two feature level amd don't support are for developer not us.. There for making a developer job easier.. Link I posted above explains it better..

All the goodness of DX12 is in 12_0
did you actually read it shanks?
because ROV's, UAV's, VTR and CR are all ways of making the graphics better / more accurate whilst improving performance over the DX11 way of doing things

basically, the DX12 features allow an additional level of graphics and accuracy not available for performance reasons on dx11

e.g. Volume tiled resources can drop a background's memory requirements from 1.6GB to 156bm, allowing massively more details backgrounds for a start, as just an example
if your interpretation is that is of no benefit to end users then... well... I just don't know
did you actually read it shanks?
because ROV's, UAV's, VTR and CR are all ways of making the graphics better / more accurate whilst improving performance over the DX11 way of doing things

basically, the DX12 features allow an additional level of graphics and accuracy not available for performance reasons on dx11

e.g. Volume tiled resources can drop a background's memory requirements from 1.6GB to 156bm, allowing massively more details backgrounds for a start, as just an example
if your interpretation is that is of no benefit to end users then... well... I just don't know

Tiled Resources is part of DX12_0 that is what the goodness comes under.. 12_1 is ROV and CR... Going by what I been told and read these two features are not for us.. there tools for devs to make there job easier..

Tiled Resources was also in DX11.2 most hardware already support this.
Tiled Resources is part of DX12_0 that is what the goodness comes under.. 12_0 is ROV and CR... Going by what I been told and read these two features are not for us.. there tools for devs to make there job easier..

you're reading it wrong then shanks, both are ways of doing things that massively improve performance over the way things have to be done under DX11 (e.g. big shortcuts have to be taken under DX11 which also reduce the accuracy of what is shown on screen and end up causing artefacts like textures/objects popping through each other)
I see AMD PR is in full damage control mode. I wonder if they are still peddling their lies about full DX12 support in current GCN hardware.

These features make things much faster than in previous version of DX whilst improving to looks as well. Enabling effects that are not possible or feasible on hardware with limited DX12 support.
you're reading it wrong then shanks, both are ways of doing things that massively improve performance over the way things have to be done under DX11 (e.g. big shortcuts have to be taken under DX11 which also reduce the accuracy of what is shown on screen and end up causing artefacts like textures/objects popping through each other)

Well am being told by Rob and Roy that these two features, mean nothing for us.. I respect there call over yours Andy.. Now before this just drags into am right and your wrong, Lets just leave it here and wait and see what the future holds.
I see AMD PR is in full damage control mode. I wonder if they are still peddling their lies about full DX12 support in current GCN hardware.

These features make things much faster than in previous version of DX whilst improving to looks as well. Enabling effects that are not possible or feasible on hardware with limited DX12 support.

Full DX12 support could very well be correct though.. If by what feature levels mean to us rather than Devs..

If full support means 12_0 then they not wrong!

12_0 = Gamers
12_1 = Devs

Anyways am out!

P.S still interested in what Gregster thinks about ROVs and CR.. And why these two features are be all end all for AMD..
I see AMD PR is in full damage control mode. I wonder if they are still peddling their lies about full DX12 support in current GCN hardware.

These features make things much faster than in previous version of DX whilst improving to looks as well. Enabling effects that are not possible or feasible on hardware with limited DX12 support.

We are still talking about two lately added optional feature which the devs may or may not use to implement certain effects.
You are playing it out as something that makes all the gcn cards useless in dx12.
We still don't know if they can be emulated, and if so how effectively, just as nv cards emulate sone features.
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