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AMD Confirms GCN Cards Don’t Feature Full DirectX 12 Support – Feature Level 11_1 on GCN 1.0, Featur

A series that is not even out yet not supporting the current dx is pretty bad tbh.

But that aside if it has taken amd this long to release the 3 series how long do you think it will take them to release another one? maybe sometime in 2016 but its looking more like 2017 at this rate and by that time it will defiantly matter to the consumer's that amd dont support dx 12 fully and nvidia do.

Plus i and other's will probaly be upgrading late summer to autumn as the release of really great and very gpu taxing games such as star citizen will be on our doorstep and just like crysis you will want the best system you can afford with the best quality!!

Don't be taken away by the marketing machine mate...gcn is suporting dx12...there is two optional features it is not supporting.
In my opinion amd doesn't spent to much on a new lineup on purpose, because they are preparing for 14nm, this is crucial, no one can miss out on this. The one who is delayed a few month gets a big blow.
Nv timed the maxwell very good around 1.5 years before 14nm...but now it is too close for amd to spend much effort on a 28nm lineup....its business, they have to make profit on it, and time is short now until the new die shrink.
I expect both manufacturers 14nm cards around Q2 2016
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Spoken to Robert Hallock and he confirms the article is true but also had this to say.

All the good DX12 features are in 11_1 and 12_0. Feature levels matter for devs, but they're meaningless for consumers.
It's why Microsoft doesn't really bother articulating the differences.

Brings me back to my point that all the "GoodNess" are in DX12_0

That isn't really the point. When there was a fake slide showing AMD had tier 3 support, it was a major plus point in AMD's favour, making all nvidia cards inferior. Now that it has been proven that Nvidia's old cards equal AMD's and the whole 9 series have a higher level of support than AMD's current lineup, suddenly its not important.

The actual level of support isn't really important, its the massive levels of hypocrisy that go along with it that are being highlighted.

You yourself were cockahoop at the enhanced levels of performance that you assumed you'd be getting. Now we see a complete reversal of opinion.
You not like AMD anymore :p
I don't "like" nor "dislike" AMD, but I am glad that I am fortunately enough yet to have problem with using their cards so far since I don't crossfire.

The only problem I have had with my 290x directly is probably running the the Monster Hunter Online benchmark and getting ridculous crap frame rate :p
That isn't really the point. When there was a fake slide showing AMD had tier 3 support, it was a major plus point in AMD's favour, making all nvidia cards inferior. Now that it has been proven that Nvidia's old cards equal AMD's and the whole 9 series have a higher level of support than AMD's current lineup, suddenly its not important.

The actual level of support isn't really important, its the massive levels of hypocrisy that go along with it that are being highlighted.

You yourself were cockahoop at the enhanced levels of performance that you assumed you'd be getting. Now we see a complete reversal of opinion.

Except... AMD does have tier3 support NV don't, and old nv cards still behind old amd cards. Only amds gcn1.0 cards are on the old nv cards level.
Let just wait and see... E3 is very soon.. I expect some surprises and shocks when AMD and Microsoft are announcing things..
Mark my words E3 isn't just about new GPU lineUp.

Someno with a little insight said to me the gpus are the smaller things announced...we will see if he is right
It's not surprising that cards with 2yr old architecture aren't fully ready for something that isn't released, let alone widely used.

Nvidia is only better off here due to the date in which they released their stuff. Amds new architecture will be fully compatible I expect.

Threads like these make Amd look unfairly subpar.


Pathetic thread all round TBH.

Agree. While Greg has his best intentions, others use it as a platform to bitch at each other so overall threads like this inevitably get trashed from the get go.
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Agree. While Greg has his best intentions, others use it as a platform to bitch at each other so overall threads like this inevitably get trashed from the get go.

Not going to lie but seeing the article did make me smile and not from a one is better than the other perspective but more to do with all the people who have been saying GCN can do this and that and NVidia can't. I seriously don't care what is what but I have seen some seriously narky comments in various threads (linked earlier) and some complete FUD. I am all up for rumours mind but too many were posting as fact and then jumping on others, so yer, my face was a little like this whilst typing this thread.

I don't want to see anyone miss out though and hopefully by the time DX12 is upon us, we are all enjoying it and arguing over 1 fps :D
All I am seeing is some competition in the GPU market. Great news for us all. Fingers crossed all out war breaks out with the next process shrink...
Not going to lie but seeing the article did make me smile and not from a one is better than the other perspective but more to do with all the people who have been saying GCN can do this and that and NVidia can't. I seriously don't care what is what but I have seen some seriously narky comments in various threads (linked earlier) and some complete FUD. I am all up for rumours mind but too many were posting as fact and then jumping on others, so yer, my face was a little like this whilst typing this thread.

I don't want to see anyone miss out though and hopefully by the time DX12 is upon us, we are all enjoying it and arguing over 1 fps :D

Gregster i just watched one of your videos, and you sound like a good bloke :) i imagined a totally different voice
Gregster i just watched one of your videos, and you sound like a good bloke :) i imagined a totally different voice

Thanks bud :)

I am constantly on the wind up at work and play, so it does tend to come out now and then on the forums but when I am in TS with the midlifegamers guys, the last thing I want is someone having issues and I don't care what GPU they use, just so long as we all have fun. Playing PCars earlier, in 2 of the races, I got a freeze of around a second and happened on a corner, so ended up in the long grass/gravel and I was getting ripped it was the NVidia drivers but it is all banter :D
Hilarious... a thread about feature levels of an API that hasnt even been released yet, is probably not even final and arguing over who supports what of said non existant as of yet API.

The level of fail in this thread has reached a new high or should i saw all time low.

Seriously folks just lock this thread and move on, discuss it when it arrives, infact discuss it once the first few DX12 games have arrived.
Hilarious... a thread about feature levels of an API that hasnt even been released yet, is probably not even final and arguing over who supports what of said non existant as of yet API.

The level of fail in this thread has reached a new high or should i saw all time low.

Seriously folks just lock this thread and move on, discuss it when it arrives, infact discuss it once the first few DX12 games have arrived.

Hmmm, a couple of the threads I read back on regarding DX12, Si you have been quite vocal in. You wasn't asking for those to be locked and as Robert has confirmed that GCN doesn't support DX12_1, it seems this article is indeed correct and factual, unlike some of the other threads :)

Not a dig btw.
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