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AMD Confirms GCN Cards Don’t Feature Full DirectX 12 Support – Feature Level 11_1 on GCN 1.0, Featur

Right there in the article mate, Maxwell V2 is the only one so far that supports feature level 12-1, GCN does not

Read all the article and not just nit pick will you
AMD is the only company offering full Tier 3 resource binding and asynchronous shaders for simultaneous graphics and compute. That doesn’t mean AMD or Nvidia is lying
You got proof too back that up?

Not what I asked but good try.. I asked can he back up what tiers Nvidia do and don't support.

How about this for proof...?


Taken from here. ;)

Edit: actually Ill leave this here but I'm changing my mind. read below.
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We know exactly what the hardware and software currently support. It's a fair assumption to believe that no significant change is going to occur in the next 7 weeks. Do you think that AMD are going to pull a surprise 12.1 rabbit out of the hat on currently available GCN hardware? As that is a very unlikely given the currently available evidence.

AMD PR does seem to be overly concerned over this, if it was of such little consequence as they are desperate to imply, then surely they would not be making so much noise over the matter. All they are doing is making it a textbook example of the Streisand effect. If they ignored it or simply brushed it off with little comment then it would not be receiving as much of the spotlight as it currently is. Instead their concentrated efforts to play it off are giving it far more attention.
Actually I'm changing my mind here, having reread that article Shankly posted up ( which was a good read cheers shanks).

From what we have seen so far, both AMD and NVidia are fully DirectX 12 compliant, different features from either side above the default standard wont make a lot of difference either way.

The best thing to do is to wait and see how it all pans out , once DirectX 12 is actually here and games start to appear, by which time of course we will be on new architecture from both sides, hopefully :)
I thought no card currently supports "full dx12", as even maxwell v2 is missing tier 3 resource binding tier. Not that it really matters, but if people wanna call architechture x having full support, atleast make sure they support everything, not just feature levels.

Yeah it's still true but someone didn't like it so found a source that said '2 or higher' for binding tiers.
On feature level he's right, but on both it'll make no difference as neither will be used for many years as developers will write their primary code for the installed base i.e. mostly older kit and mostly iGPU anyway, then add on shiny stuff for the quite new kit (last 3 years or so). Optional features that will barely get used (remember that Kepler doesn't have the top feature level of DX11 support, hardly crippled them now did it?)

On advertising by feature level: 11_0 was enough for nVidia to advertise full DX11 support, AMD were mean about it in the press but couldn't prevent them claiming it - so really 12_0 should be enough for AMD to advertise full support while leaving plenty room for nVidia to be mean about them back.... none of which matters to any of us who actually may be using it!

I don't think anyone ever made a 'full' DX11 card covering every optional hardware feature and probably no-one will ever make a full DX12 card, though all the missing stuff is not required for any specific tier and probably pretty darn unimportant. *shrug* that and the spec itself will evolve in time.
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The issue has been further confused by claims that Maxwell is the only GPU on the market to support “full” DirectX 12. While it’s true that Maxwell is the only GPU that supports DirectX 12_1, AMD is the only company offering full Tier 3 resource binding and asynchronous shaders for simultaneous graphics and compute. That doesn’t mean AMD or Nvidia is lying — it means that certain features and capabilities of various cards are imperfectly captured by feature levels and that calling one GPU or another “full” DX12 misses this distinction. Intel, for example, offers ROV at the 11_1 feature level — something neither AMD nor Nvidia can match.


Lots of Good information in that link!

Joel Hruska has always got his finger on the pulse, great article. :)
The anger makes me laugh, why are people getting so wound up. I am sure by the time we see games that fully exploit DX12 we will be another generation on anyway.
Nvidia themselves has claimed to have "superior support" for dx12 because they will have more cards supporting it than AMD, due to 400 and 500 series "support" dx12, but HD5000 and HD6000 series don't (is anyone going to be using those old cards for playing dx12 titles? Surely the 400 and 500 series won't have enough vram nor grunt for dx12 titles, except for may be GTX580 3GB? :p).
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The issue has been further confused by claims that Maxwell is the only GPU on the market to support “full” DirectX 12. While it’s true that Maxwell is the only GPU that supports DirectX 12_1, AMD is the only company offering full Tier 3 resource binding and asynchronous shaders for simultaneous graphics and compute. That doesn’t mean AMD or Nvidia is lying — it means that certain features and capabilities of various cards are imperfectly captured by feature levels and that calling one GPU or another “full” DX12 misses this distinction. Intel, for example, offers ROV at the 11_1 feature level — something neither AMD nor Nvidia can match.


Lots of Good information in that link!


There is a big difference between current features and the full implementation of DX12.

Maxwell will not support all the upcoming features of DX12.

Having said that the same can be said of AMD cards making all this arguing about which brand is better rather pointless as they both come up short.

The above is what I said on page 1 of this thread lol.
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