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AMD Confirms GCN Cards Don’t Feature Full DirectX 12 Support – Feature Level 11_1 on GCN 1.0, Featur

Even the Article talks about it...

Please do give your expert advice on why there wrong I would love to hear it..

Because we know exactly what level of support hardware currently has available. That's not going to change. I'd put far more weight in the words of a developer who has been testing the hardware and software, than I would in those of a PR mouthpiece who's job it is to paint their employer in the best possible light.

If AMD had feature level support equal to Maxwell v2 they would certainly let people know about it, but they don't, and as we now see the only thing they can do to combat this, is attempt negative PR in an attempt to downplay any advantage their competitor has.

Edit: I fear we are about to enter into this circular argument once again. Can we just agree that yes NV has a higher feature level support, but right now we don't know what advantage (if any) it might be. And save all of us the time and effort repeating ourselves ad nauseam.
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Because we know exactly what level of support hardware currently has available. That's not going to change. I'd put far more weight in the words of a developer who has been testing the hardware and software, than I would in those of a PR mouthpiece who's job it is to paint their employer in the best possible light.

If AMD had feature level support equal to Maxwell v2 they would certainly let people know about it, but they don't, and as we now see the only thing they can do to combat this, is attempt negative PR in an attempt to downplay any advantage their competitor has.

Read the article! It even says its un-fair to base what feature are supported from un-released finished drivers for an API that isn't even finished and for an OS that again isn't even released...

Maybe AMD dont want to release any information until again everything is finished and ready to be released and talked about!

Your basing your information from software that isn't even finished! and again from source other than AMD -- Like the article says only AMD themselves can list the full feature set once READY!!!

Stop spreading information you have no clue about! If you do please do explain! why Rob and Roy is wrong in FACT! tweet them I would love to see the discussion.
It's a single article, that could almost have been written for the very purpose to serve AMD's negative PR. DX12 goes live next month, it would have been frozen in terms of new feature development a while back now, we are not going to get any new surprises from existing hardware.

They are PR men, it is their job to downplay a competitors advantage, they wouldn't last very long if they were not doing exactly what they are right now.

I put far more trust in the words of somebody who's results can be (and have been) collaborated by others, than I do in those of a PR man who's product is suddenly found wanting. I'd wager anyone without such a vested emotional interest in a GFX card manufacturer would do the same.
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One article says one thing one says another, Why should readers take one as true and others false imo.

All I would say is look at the source of the information, and who is bringing you the message. On one hand you have independent developers testing the hardware and software and putting their results out in the public domain for all to see and test for themselves. On the other you have the PR machine of a global corporation in full damage control mode.
One article says one thing one says another, Why should readers take one as true and others false imo.


Wouldn't count on Roy knowing myself, Robert is pretty clued up though, but AMD could set the record straight, they have the definitive answer at the end of the day, perhaps they are weighing up their options whether to include full support or drive needed coin with a future gpu that supports the lot.

The lack of an official statement doesn't look good, one of AMD's biggest faults imo, lack of information when it counts, gives you the feeling they don't even know, with AMD it's all bit of a last minute thing...

...which leaves existing long time customers with little to no confidence.

One of the reasons I ended packing up and going green, which imo is way, way more important than whether a 290X supports a DX tier less than M2.
I think AMD along with Microsoft will reveal all we need to know at the E3 gaming show. Maybe AMD just want to make a huge splash instead of many little ones leading up to it. For all we know they are going to say there's a 12.2 that only Amd support and Boom who's your daddy now lol.
I'm sure this argument will be moot soon enough as AMDs next chip is bound to support everything. At which point we can get back to arguing over something else.
Why are people arguing a paper specification? If it doesn't support the full feature set then it doesn't support it. Didn't think anyone was disagreeing it's relevance right this second...

Hallock is just dancing around the notion that higher tier could well be round the corner so the term full support doesn't have any real impact.

In other words down playing it just like everything else.
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Does anyone else get the feeling that AMD are deflecting the need for full DX12 support because the upcoming cards won't have full support either?

I do hope I am wrong on that but seems they are going out of their way to put the extra features that AMD can't do as not needed.
Does anyone else get the feeling that AMD are deflecting the need for full DX12 support because the upcoming cards won't have full support either?

I do hope I am wrong on that but seems they are going out of their way to put the extra features that AMD can't do as not needed.

The fact that we are so close to the release of their new lineup and Rob is saying how unimportant those features are... Yeah its a distinct possibility.
Does anyone else get the feeling that AMD are deflecting the need for full DX12 support because the upcoming cards won't have full support either?

I do hope I am wrong on that but seems they are going out of their way to put the extra features that AMD can't do as not needed.

Do you have evidence that 12_1 will offer better performance and/or visual compared to 12_0? Do you have evidence that GCN is going to perform worse than Maxwell 2 in DX12 games? Do you know of any engine/game that will support 12_1?

So far all I see is arguing without anyone explaining the advantage of 12_1 over 12_0 or actually posting any benchmarks.

For all we know 12_1 could be 11.2 all over again with zero support in games. I would suggest to stop arguing over something most people here probably don't understand and see how AMD is going to perform when actual DX12 games come out.
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Obviously we are all guessing, but I would expect Nvidia to push their advantage. I'd not be surprised if they are already integrating it into their widely used middleware.
Honestly i don't understand why ppl are arguing? AMD stated they don't have full DX12 support now. Case closed.

Having said that it feels its the NV PR trying to make elephant out of a fly. Its two optional feature, the GCN cards will still run DX12 just as well as the NV cards, its just something that they want to sound like a big thing to brake down amd hype before cards release.
Do you have evidence that 12_1 will offer better performance and/or visual compared to 12_0? Do you have evidence that GCN is going to perform worse than Maxwell 2? Do you know of any engine/game that will support 12_1?

So far all I see is arguing without anyone explaining the advantage of 12_1 over 12_0 or actually posting any benchmarks.

For all we know 12_1 could be 11.2 all over again with zero support in games. I would suggest to stop arguing over something most people here probably don't understand and see how AMD is going to perform when actual DX12 games come out.

This is very true as only and used the revised dx11 but no games or anything I can remember actually used it .
Do you have evidence that 12_1 will offer better performance and/or visual compared to 12_0? Do you have evidence that GCN is going to perform worse than Maxwell 2? Do you know of any engine/game that will support 12_1?

So far all I see is arguing without anyone explaining the advantage of 12_1 over 12_0 or actually posting any benchmarks.

For all we know 12_1 could be 11.2 all over again with zero support in games. I would suggest to stop arguing over something most people here probably don't understand and see how AMD is going to perform when actual DX12 games come out.

It was a simple question really and something I would like to know before buying. But as you asked, I will respond to what AMD currently can't do:

Conservative Rasterization.
Conservative rasterization is essentially a more accurate but performance intensive solution to figuring out whether a polygon covers part of a pixel. Instead of doing a quick and simple test to see if the center of the pixel is bounded by the lines of the polygon, conservative rasterization checks whether the pixel covers the polygon by testing it against the corners of the pixel. This means that conservative rasterization will catch cases where a polygon was too small to cover the center of a pixel, which results in a more accurate outcome, be it better identifying pixels a polygon resides in, or finding polygons too small to cover the center of any pixel at all. This in turn being where the “conservative” aspect of the name comes from, as a rasterizer would be conservative by including every pixel touched by a triangle as opposed to just the pixels where the tringle covers the center point.

Rasterizer ordered views.

First and foremost of the new features is Rasterizer Ordered Views (ROVs). As hinted at by the name, ROVs is focused on giving the developer control over the order that elements are rasterized in a scene, so that elements are drawn in the correct order. This feature specifically applies to Unordered Access Views (UAVs) being generated by pixel shaders, which buy their very definition are initially unordered. ROVs offers an alternative to UAV's unordered nature, which would result in elements being rasterized simply in the order they were finished. For most rendering tasks unordered rasterization is fine (deeper elements would be occluded anyhow), but for a certain category of tasks having the ability to efficiently control the access order to a UAV is important to correctly render a scene quickly.

The textbook use case for ROVs is Order Independent Transparency, which allows for elements to be rendered in any order and still blended together correctly in the final result. OIT is not new – Direct3D 11 gave the API enough flexibility to accomplish this task – however these earlier OIT implementations would be very slow due to sorting, restricting their usefulness outside of CAD/CAM. The ROV implementation however could accomplish the same task much more quickly by getting the order correct from the start, as opposed to having to sort results after the fact.

Along these lines, since OIT is just a specialized case of a pixel blending operation, ROVs will also be usable for other tasks that require controlled pixel blending, including certain cases of anti-aliasing.

So with that knowledge of the 2 things that AMD can't do, you tell me if they are important or not.
my take on it is, with microsoft pushing windows10 on xbox too, and that running AMD hardware i doubt AMD are going to be left out any

to be concluded a year from now... :)
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