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AMD Confirms GCN Cards Don’t Feature Full DirectX 12 Support – Feature Level 11_1 on GCN 1.0, Featur

So with that knowledge of the 2 things that AMD can't do, you tell me if they are important or not.

I wouldn't know. They sound great on paper, but tons of things do. Are those features actually going to deliver relevant boost to visual and/or performance? Also, are they going to be used?

I am simply asking for proof of what those features can do in actual games. Something that so far we don't have. So what's the point of arguing when we have no idea?

Should we also start arguing over the advantage ACE is going to have in GCN compared to Maxwell 2 when only a single PC game uses Asynchronous Compute and it does so only when running Mantle (and I think Matt said it works only in Crossfire)?

I think it's silly to argue over this.
Instead of pontificating on and on I suppose it's too much to hope we can actually wait and see the results in actual released DX12 games.
It would equally be fair to say that currently Nvidia cannot do any of that in a released DX12 game same as AMD.
The topic should really be put to bed until DX12 and any games demonstrating any gains are actually here.
You can push a point so far that the line between forum battleships and NV PR machine starts blurring.
Instead of pontificating on and on I suppose it's too much to hope we can actually wait and see the results in actual released DX12 games.
It would equally be fair to say that currently Nvidia cannot do any of that in a released DX12 game same as AMD.
The topic should really be put to bed until DX12 and any games demonstrating any gains are actually here.
You can push a point so far that the line between forum battleships and NV PR machine starts blurring.

Funny thing is, the reason we are discussing it is because AMD PR have released videos and been very active on twitter.
We aren't saying we have the answers, we are asking if AMD's PR is accurate.
It was a simple question really and something I would like to know before buying. But as you asked, I will respond to what AMD currently can't do:

Conservative Rasterization.

Rasterizer ordered views.

So with that knowledge of the 2 things that AMD can't do, you tell me if they are important or not.

Nvidia cant do them either on older hardware you tell me if they are important then.

AMD full support Dx12.
Nvidia well they havent said much....wonder why?
have old Nvidia card feel shafted?
Nvidia cant do them either on older hardware you tell me if they are important then.

AMD full support Dx12.
Nvidia well they havent said much....wonder why?
have old Nvidia card feel shafted?

You are missing the point. So far, the only fully supported DX12 GPUs are Maxwell V2 (which I own). AMD do not have a single GPU the fully supports DX12 and are putting out loads of PR spin about how these things that NVida can do are not needed, so hence I asked if anyone else thinks that AMD's 390x and newer cards will also be lacking full DX12 support.

I personally would hate to buy a brand new released card in a couple of weeks and then find out I am missing out on this and that.
You are missing the point. So far, the only fully supported DX12 GPUs are Maxwell V2 (which I own). AMD do not have a single GPU the fully supports DX12 and are putting out loads of PR spin about how these things that NVida can do are not needed, so hence I asked if anyone else thinks that AMD's 390x and newer cards will also be lacking full DX12 support.

I personally would hate to buy a brand new released card in a couple of weeks and then find out I am missing out on this and that.

Rather than speculate why not just wait and see? 8 more days to go.
No speculation is boring though and most of the threads here are based on speculation and some educated guesses.

Most the threads in here are petty troll threads with no intention other to wind red/green sides up :rolleyes:

I would agree that the new 3** AMD cards do need to be DX12 capable. If not they will certainly lose out on some much needed sales.

The older cards not fully supporting a new API isn't even worth mentioning. That's just how it is.
I thought no card currently supports "full dx12", as even maxwell v2 is missing tier 3 resource binding tier. Not that it really matters, but if people wanna call architechture x having full support, atleast make sure they support everything, not just feature levels.
You are missing the point. So far, the only fully supported DX12 GPUs are Maxwell V2 (which I own). AMD do not have a single GPU the fully supports DX12 and are putting out loads of PR spin about how these things that NVida can do are not needed, so hence I asked if anyone else thinks that AMD's 390x and newer cards will also be lacking full DX12 support.

I personally would hate to buy a brand new released card in a couple of weeks and then find out I am missing out on this and that.

Tell that to all the Nvidia owners that bought 7 series gpu's knowing they had no dx 11.2 support. They were fast is all that really seemed to matter. Hell people even shelled out £800 on Titan Blacks with this knowledge.
Calm down calm down, AMD have said there's no need for Full DX12 support, everyone can go back to gaming now. Everythings ok in the world again. Thankfully it wasnt the other way round with Nvidia.
You are missing the point. So far, the only fully supported DX12 GPUs are Maxwell V2 (which I own). AMD do not have a single GPU the fully supports DX12 and are putting out loads of PR spin about how these things that NVida can do are not needed, so hence I asked if anyone else thinks that AMD's 390x and newer cards will also be lacking full DX12 support.

I personally would hate to buy a brand new released card in a couple of weeks and then find out I am missing out on this and that.

If the 390x fully support DX12 (which is not needed anyway lol) I will personally buy a 390x myself, take down my pants, and dry hump the exhaust slot.
If the 390x fully support DX12 (which is not needed anyway lol) I will personally buy a 390x myself, take down my pants, and dry hump the exhaust slot.

You missing the POINT! DirectX 12 features us gamers are waiting on the thing that is going to change games for us is all inside 12_0 --------- This is what we want!

12_1 is for extra Levels Devs can use when making games to make there job easier, it is not for us..

while feature level 12.0 and 12.1 are new to Direct3D 12.
Despite being pleonastic, it is worth to restate that feature level 12.1 does not coincide with an imaginary “full/complete DirectX 12 support” since it does not cover many important or secondary features exposed by Direct3D 12.
Lmao, YES!
Robert Hallock of AMD has confirmed that items listed on that spreadsheet as being supported by AMD cards are NOT supported by AMD cards.
I don't know what other proof you need that that spreadsheet was made up and inaccurate.

Not what I asked but good try.. I asked can he back up what tiers Nvidia do and don't support.

Because from what I now understand Nvidia, AMD, Intel and Microsoft have not officially released anything to state what they can and can NOT do! So until we have official documents to backup we all just guessing and making things up.
The issue has been further confused by claims that Maxwell is the only GPU on the market to support “full” DirectX 12. While it’s true that Maxwell is the only GPU that supports DirectX 12_1, AMD is the only company offering full Tier 3 resource binding and asynchronous shaders for simultaneous graphics and compute. That doesn’t mean AMD or Nvidia is lying — it means that certain features and capabilities of various cards are imperfectly captured by feature levels and that calling one GPU or another “full” DX12 misses this distinction. Intel, for example, offers ROV at the 11_1 feature level — something neither AMD nor Nvidia can match.


Lots of Good information in that link!
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