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AMD GPU sales tanking

Not surprised. 6700xt was one of my worst gpu experiences, with constant downclocking and stuttering. I was an AMD guy up until that, but just ditched it and moved to Nvidia , much better experience for not much more.

interesting my experience with the 6700xt was very good, £300 with starfield code which I sold at that time it was really good value from what else was available and having 12gb vram, didnt have the issues mentioned and I also undervolted using AMD drivers
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Not surprised. 6700xt was one of my worst gpu experiences, with constant downclocking and stuttering. I was an AMD guy up until that, but just ditched it and moved to Nvidia , much better experience for not much more.

Yeah I've read this quite a lot over on amd reddit about stuttering issues, supposedly it's quite a big problem that "some" end users report although never really mentioned by review sites, possibly because of they only do benchmarks and usually with clean systems so less likely to encounter the issues normal every day users might see?

you can always google issues on anything, just going from my own experience never noticed it and its now mainly has warzone played at 1440p
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Please stop trying to affirm one experience over another, not one is more true than the other, i've spent 8 years with Nvidia, it was a great experience, i now have an AMD GPU, its equally a great experience, there is no reason to say one is better than the other, they aren't, in a bling test you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between my GPU and a 4070 Ti, they are just great products.
Well been a while since I've posted as it's a really crap time for hardware.

But this isn't surprising to me in the slightest, the truth is AMD make amazing cards they genuinely do the problem is they just have God awful pricing, garbage marketing and they are clueless on how to sell there product.

I'm still on my 1080ti, I was willing and ready day one to drop 900-1000 on a 7900xtx then the AIB came out at 1200 plus since then while I can now get that card for that much I've given up.

AMD need to do a Gen 1 Ryzen with their GPU decision, massively undercut, get the revenue, get the market share and turn people to their side.

Just look at Gen 1 Ryzen vs Intel nowhere near as powerful as Intel but half the price people bought in heavily they won market share which gave revenue which helped each iteration, when you look at AMD CPUs now people talk about them being superior to Intel they price similar and in many cases offer better value.

This should have been what AMD done with the gpus. I mean it AMD came out with the 7900xtx at 700-800 at a slight premium over the previous gen they would have made Nvidia look silly, greedy and overpriced. They would have won a lot of market share and potentially long term customers who would look to or even wait for AMDs next release before making a choice.

Instead they tried to compete with Nvidia on price while offering a similar performance in some areas an inferior in others, and when prices are so similar it makes sense people ignore AMD and just went Nvidia.

I wanted to buy AMD and gave up and stuck with my 1080ti if you can't convince someone who actually wanted to buy your product and give me a good reason to buy it why the hell would other people switch to team red.

I don't understand how a company in charge of the Ryzen CPUs and does such a good job and colossally **** up their GPU as much and as CONSISTENTLY as they do, endless own goals, over selling, under delivering it's just unreal.

Ill be honest with discrete GPUs I expect Intel to take 2nd place after Nvidia potentially with Battlemage of they undercut enough, I don't honestly see how AMD competes at this point.
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you can always google issues on anything, just going from my own experience never noticed it and its now mainly has warzone played at 1440p

Yup, I'm sure nvidia issues be there too if go looking but I see this far more on amd than nvidia forums/reddit, can't say I recall of issues with my amd gpus either but last one I had was the vega 56 so can't comment on rdna arch.

Please stop trying to affirm one experience over another, not one is more true than the other, i've spent 8 years with Nvidia, it was a great experience, i now have an AMD GPU, its equally a great experience, there is no reason to say one is better than the other, they aren't, in a bling test you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between my GPU and a 4070 Ti, they are just great products.

It's not quite as clear cut as that though, people obviously have different experiences hence why they post issues and report their findings on what works best for them and so on e.g. lots say about the chromium issues on nvidia yet I and others don't notice this. Essentially there is a lot of factors to consider and this is where usually benchmark sites aren't a great representative of real world experience since they will be having clean installed systems and probably done all kinds of tweaks to ensure the best gaming experience compared to every day users.
Don't expect Intel to come charging up in shining armour to save us from bad pricing, every metric shows they wont, they tried to charge more than an equivalent Nvidia GPU, they soon realised people are not stupid enough to get excited about BS fighting talk, now they are less than half the price, every mainstream jurno is bordering on shilling for Intel trying to give them a leg up, and yet still they can't sell them.

Yup, I'm sure nvidia issues be there too if go looking but I see this far more on amd than nvidia forums/reddit, can't say I recall of issues with my amd gpus either but last one I had was the vega 56 so can't comment on rdna arch.

It's not quite as clear cut as that though, people obviously have different experiences hence why they post issues and report their findings on what works best for them and so on e.g. lots say about the chromium issues on nvidia yet I and others don't notice this. Essentially there is a lot of factors to consider and this is where usually benchmark sites aren't a great representative of real world experience since they will be having clean installed systems and probably done all kinds of tweaks to ensure the best gaming experience compared to every day users.

It reads like someone trying to affirm their reality over reality, like we don't already have enough of that _____ ?

You know what i see when people bang on about bad experiences with hardware? PEBCAK. i've managed decades with all sorts of hardware and never had any real issues with any of it.
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It reads like someone trying to affirm their reality over reality, like we don't already have enough of that _____ ?

You know what i see when people bang on about bad experiences with hardware? PEBCAK. i've managed decades with all sorts of hardware and never had any real issues with any of it.

That may well be the case and generally as people know, I'm one for having evidence to backup such claims but when you get a lot of posts/threads reporting issues, usually there is some truth to it e.g. such as what Vex reported with UE 5/palworld and amds inconsistent frame pacing:


Although we have no idea what the cause of this and other peoples issues could be without further in depth testing performed. Same with that TPM stuff which supposedly caused stuttering issues with amd cpus, can't say I ever noticed anything when this got enabled.

As we have seen, people can say "they're happy, don't notice issues" and so on but that doesn't necessirly mean there isn't "potentially" a problem.
@Nexus18 You're just doubling down on your green tinted world view.

Post something of more substance to counteract the points rather than falling back to such statements then. You're the one who is denying all of these peoples experiences even though they have gone to length to post what they have tried doing to solve their issues and for some, the only fix was to switch to nvidia, this indicates that there is an issue on their end with their specific setup and an amd gpu or/and there is in fact an underlying issue(s) with rdna 2/3, which impacts users when certain conditions are met - https://www.reddit.com/r/radeon/comments/1ajj1mq/lets_talk_about_the_amd_stutter_problem_and_what/
Post something of more substance to counteract the points rather than falling back to such statements then. You're the one who is denying all of these peoples experiences even though they have gone to length to post what they have tried doing to solve their issues and for some, the only fix was to switch to nvidia, this indicates that there is an issue on their end with their specific setup and an amd gpu or/and there is in fact an underlying issue(s) with rdna 2/3, which impacts users when certain conditions are met - https://www.reddit.com/r/radeon/comments/1ajj1mq/lets_talk_about_the_amd_stutter_problem_and_what/

hey everyone so I am a tech Youtuber and tech enthusiast who just moved from Nvidia after 9 long years. I just got my hands on a 6900XT a month ago for $400. Since then my time with this card has been pretty solid, I did have stutter issues in the beginning but they were remedied by disabling DXNAVI. I'm sure most of you here have already done this. Even after doing this I noticed stuttering again but this time I knew right away that the stutters that were occurring this time are from shader compilation, these were only in a handful of games like subnautica, deep rock galactic and Valheim, But after you ran around for about 10 minutes the stutters would not happen again.

I can address Redit guy...

Ok, a couple of things here, Mr Tech Tuber, don't disable DXNAVI, you ____ idiot! What you're doing there is stopping the GPU from caching shaders and that can lead to other problems, like shaders not loading properly, hitching and hanging as its trying to compile the shaders on the fly as it doesn't have them cached...
This is an example of PEBCAK, a completely clueless "techtuber" who thinks he knows everything yet only knows just enough to break everything but not enough to understand why everything is broken and then blame the hardware...

Every GPU caches shaders, its a thing about modern games, its not the GPU that's choosing to cache, its being told to cache by the game and its the CPU, not the GPU that's doing it, what it caches and to what extent depends on many things, your in game IQ settings, your resolution, how much VRam the GPU's has, how that feels depends on how fast or not the drive that's being cached to is, how good your CPU is, how much of the CPU you're able to use when caching, for example if you have more CPU rescores available to cache the shaders, because half the CPU isn't being used by the driver then it will feel worse as the higher rate of shader compilation will put more stress on the hard disk.
Every time you change one of these parameters it will cache the shaders again, because you changed the shaders.

Most games cache shaders before loading in to the game, some don't, they cache while you're in the game, just let it cache, it will be over in a few minutes and then its fine, as you said yourself.
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I can address Redit guy...

Ok, a couple of things here, Mr Tech Tuber, don't disable DXNAVI, you ____ idiot! What you're doing there is stopping the GPU from caching shaders and that can lead to other problems, like shaders not loading properly, hitching and hanging as its trying to compile the shaders on the fly as it doesn't have them cached...
This is an example of PEBCAK, a completely clueless "techtuber" who thinks he knows everything yet only knows just enough to break everything but not enough to understand why everything is broken and then blame the hardware...

Every GPU caches shaders, its a thing about modern games, its not the GPU that's choosing to cache, its being told to cache by the game and its the CPU, not the GPU that's doing it, what it caches and to what extent depends on many things, your in game IQ settings, your resolution, how much VRam the GPU's has, how that feels depends on how fast or not the drive that's being cached to is, how good your CPU is, how much of the CPU you're able to use when caching, for example if you have more CPU rescores available to cache the shaders, because half the CPU isn't being used by the driver then it will feel worse as the higher rate of shader compilation will put more stress on the hard disk.
Every time you change one of these parameters it will cache the shaders again, because you changed the shaders.

Most games cache shaders before loading in to the game, some don't, they cache while you're in the game, just let it cache, it will be over in a few minutes and then its fine, as you said yourself.

And then read the rest of the comments where people aren't doing that or also have attempted to do the same in order to resolve stutter problems (apparently this option can't even be disabled on rdna 3?). AMD handle things differently to nvidia, remember Daniel Owens video on amd and nvidia gpus with similar grunt and the same amount of vram? Turns out nvidia handle vram bottlenecks a bit more gracefully (although when the overflow is bad/serious, no amount of more efficient optimisation is going to help low vram amounts).

As said, I would like to see more in depth testing on a variety of games.

Essentially, this is the most important point which applies to anything regardless of brand: "Shouldn't have to diagnose "flagship" GPUs to get them working as advertised." Never really had to do this with any gpu, however, the 290 did require quite a lot of faffing about at the start due to blackscreens and so on, iirc, newer drivers somewhat reduced the frequency of the issues.
Nvidia are not Intel, i'm sorry to harp on about that but people who keep using that as an example as to why AMD can do it if they just try, AMD have tried, for decades, Nvidia don't _____ up, when Nvidia out spend AMD they get amazing results. Nvidia No: 1
I dunno, Nvidia messed up pretty bad this generation with most of their cards having worse price to performance than Ampere and RDNA2.

Should have been an easy win for AMD in the circumstances despite Nvidia having the fastest overall card.
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I dunno, Nvidia messed up pretty bad this generation with most of their cards having worse price to performance than Ampere and RDNA2.

Should have been an easy win for AMD in the circumstances despite Nvidia having the fastest overall card.
Whilst Nvidia messed up on pricing, problem is so did their competition despite said competition GPUs not competing on several fronts.
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