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AMD GPU sales tanking

I dunno, Nvidia messed up pretty bad this generation with most of their cards having worse price to performance than Ampere and RDNA2.

Should have been an easy win for AMD in the circumstances despite Nvidia having the fastest overall card.

Yet Nvidia won hands down again. It's like these companies are doing price fixing or something. WAMD pricing just does not make sense to me. With Nvidia we already know their pricing is bonkers, but at least they have the best.

I only got a 4070 Ti because I got it for £575 on a pricing error. Otherwise would have kept my 3080 Ti which I got a year earlier for the same price, albeit used.
I've skipped 17 pages / 300 messages so apologies if this has already been covered.

...Team green has better ray-tracing, DLSS is better baked compared to FSR,

And at the low end XeSS is better than FSR.

Beyond that yes, AMD need to be seriously cheaper than Nvidia - and Intel need to be cheaper than AMD - especially if AMD are ceding the high end.
Beyond that yes, AMD need to be seriously cheaper than Nvidia - and Intel need to be cheaper than AMD - especially if AMD are ceding the high end.

RX 7600 is currently £250, how cheap should the A770 be given its currently £275 and with the 4060 currently at £280 is the RX 7600 too expensive?

Too much Star Citizen I recon. Maybe somehow we are talking to a humbug who managed to travel here from a different universe, because the one originally from here definitely had a 5700 XT. Was an Asrock one :cry:

You asked me if i was the guy who said i did not have a 5700 XT, i said no.

Did you just really say that? Are you not the guy who says he did not have a 5700 XT? :cry:
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RX 7600 is currently £250, how cheap should the A770 be given its currently £275 and with the 4060 currently at £280 is the RX 7600 too expensive?

You asked me if i was the guy who said i did not have a 5700 XT, i said no.

Lol. You know what I meant. Don't play silly over one word ;)

Here is a simple question for you then.

Did you own a 5700 XT? :D
Yes, i replaced it with an RTX 2070 Super just weeks after i bought it because the cooler that was on it was junk, i have explained this over and over again.

Can we please get back on topic?

I only responded to your off topic portion of your post bud. You have said more than once now you never had that card. Even when you list cards you owned you don't list it.

Anyway. Agreed. Let's get back on topic :)
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Yet Nvidia won hands down again. It's like these companies are doing price fixing or something. WAMD pricing just does not make sense to me. With Nvidia we already know their pricing is bonkers, but at least they have the best.

I only got a 4070 Ti because I got it for £575 on a pricing error. Otherwise would have kept my 3080 Ti which I got a year earlier for the same price, albeit used.
May I ask won in what sense?

Business to Business they defo won the market of 2023 and possibly still for 2024.

Consumer market? everything declined, the only case companies can have is, how they weathered the storm.

And the sad part is, the prices are still high in general yet many companies are still trying to maintain high prices.

Apple actually lowered the price or kept price parity on their new Ipad airs and pros.

Its a case of, will we see AMD and Nvidia try to hike up prices again next gen, if they do then not only will they have further decline in the consumer market, but consumers will have lost again another gen.
At those prices £30 is nearly 20%

Surely you must see the problem.

Lets start with the 4060, "its over priced" ok, fine... £200 it is then. But AMD must be cheaper and Intel cheaper still, £20 or £30 is not actually a saving, no one is going to buy the AMD GPU because its £20 cheaper, no one buy's the A770 because its currently the same price as the 4060, why would you???? That tell's you everything you need to know about our saviours Intel.

So when one says, as many tech tubers do, AMD are too greedy, they price themselves too close to Nvidia (which is currently £30, not £20) Nvidia just think, oh rly? next time we'll charge them 20% more.
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Surely you must see the problem.

Lets start with the 4060, "its over priced" ok, fine... £200 it is then. But AMD must be cheaper and Intel cheaper still, £20 or £30 is not actually a saving, no one is going to buy the AMD GPU because its £20 cheaper, no one buy's the A770 because its currently the same price as the 4060, why would you???? That tell's you everything you need to know about our saviours Intel.

So when one says, as many tech tubers do, AMD are too greedy, they price themselves too close to Nvidia (which currently £30, not £20) Nvidia just think, oh rly? next time we'll charge them 20% more.
Im just saying what they all should cost, the issue is they’re all about £80 overpriced and none really look attractive to the consumer.

If your going to pay over the odds for one then you might as well go Nvidia and get DLSS which looks much better at lower resolutions than FSR, Intel isn’t really in the running right now till they release their new stuff.

If a 7600 though was sub £200 then that would be enough to outweigh DLSS.
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The RX 7600 should be maybe £230, £220? the 4060.... i don't care, its could be £500 you're gonna buy it anyway, i'm talking to PCMR because i wouldn't.

People talk a lot about money flowing bottom up and how unfair that is, yeah.... understand the concept of Darwinism, you and you alone are responsible for your survival.
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