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AMD IQ Vs Nvidia IQ - shenanigans or something else?

I seem to remember a very similar discussion around the time of the GeForce FX. Nvidia were very clearly messing with the LoD bias at that time, though.
I'm amazed how many people are saying 'even if it's worse it's got higher FPS so it's a non-issue' or even 'I like the less detailed look better anyway' ... if the benchmarks are run at different settings then it's not a legit comparison (and I can see greg set the same settings so if by default nV is overriding some then that's significant)

Optimisation is not a bad thing for sure, both sides do it all the time. To quote Blameless:
Any default optimization that results in more performance without me noticing the reduction in IQ is a good optimization.

Any default optimization that results in obvious IQ deficiencies is a bad optimization.

I've no way of actually progressing any investigation, and of course it may be that it's just an oddity of that particular video - but if review sites benchmark suites have been based off an uneven comparison with game settings not respected to a user noticeable degree then I can see why people would call foul. I'd not advise against a Ti off the back of speculation of course, just would be nice to see some tech sites try and dig into it a bit.

Also loads of people over there attacking greg for posting a video not massive screenshots - totally missing that the video was never meant to be an image quality comparison in the first place :/
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Can anyone tell me what I am supposed to be seeing? on works machine so it all looks like junk lol.

Hopefully Nvidia aren't going back to their old days of dropping IQ in the drivers to get FPS up, especially as I think the guy who wrote the Omega drivers has retired :D
Hopefully Nvidia aren't going back to their old days of dropping IQ in the drivers to get FPS up
I wanted to point this out many times since first seeing this thread, but held back because of afraid of being accused of trolling. Glad that someone not me pointed this out...

After all, graphic cards reviews these days is all about FPS vs FPS, and only on the odd occasions would things like framepacing/smoothness/stuttering be looked at, nevermind image/graphic quality...
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Cards are running two different APIs?

One on mantle
One on DX11

This needs to be took into account.

Someone mentioned also that image quality changed on their card, well again surely that is to be expected when EA release a patch.
lol you need to go to specsavers...cause it looks like this thread is trying to imply AMD is playing dirty for making Nvidia look worse on the game...

Funny how this discussion has spread to other sites. when we were initially trying to find out why it looked worse. Whether it was a driver issue or nvidia playing about with performance at default driver settings.

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Personally, I can say that Nvidia make good hardware. But I am not fond of their business practices. Too much vendor lock in and bespoke hardware tie ins.

And yes, AMD may not get things right straight away or every time. But they are far more open when it comes to progressing the industry as a whole. And receive far too much criticism to the point of it being hysterical. Even when the issue is not related to them, such as with Freesync panels showing ghosting. Benq remedied this and it shows that there is no issue with Freesync itself. It is a problem with the panels.

Of course people want to defend something when they have invested a large amount of money. But that means they should be more open to criticise the product themselves since they want to see a return in their investment. Although far more often than not, humanities tribal nature overrules common sense and you end up with ridiculous 'Fanboy' bickering from the peanut brigade. Rather than discussion about the issue to see if it holds any merit.
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Funny how this discussion has spread to other sites. when we were initially trying to find out why it looked worse. Whether it was a driver issue or nvidia playing about with performance at default driver settings.
But let's face it...it's gonna be one of those discussion that will always end as "agree to disagree", without a factual conclusion...much like the discussion about GameWorks, or Mantle even.
Since this hasn't been noticed by anyone else and I personally and some others can't seem to replicate it I would hazard a guess it's either an error during capture (just like the several others that were made) or an intentional attempt to promote a Youtube channel through the creation of drama, in which case well played Gregster. ;)

It could also be the type of issue that pops up when you start mixing video cards in a single system without fresh installs of the operating system or game.
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Interesting find Greg. I hope you continue to test so that we can find out if it's an issue at your end, an issue with a few people or an issue with everyone. And just ignore the idiots, they'll be everywhere from both 'sides'.

BTW, on Anand forums, someone made a comment about reduced textures moving from 2 295x2 to 2 980ti in GTA5. I wonder if the issue only affects gm200.
Since this hasn't been noticed by anyone else and I personally and some others can't seem to replicate it I would hazard a guess it's either an error during capture (just like the several others that were made) or an intentional attempt to promote a Youtube channel through the creation of drama, in which case well played Gregster. ;)

It could also be the type of issue that pops up when you start mixing video cards in a single system without fresh installs of the operating system or game.

I told everyone the things I had done and I didn't do anything more or anything less. I also told why I do the vids and I will continue to do the vids but to think I deliberately did something for the purposes of drama is frankly pathetic.

People are comparing low quality compressed vids and trying to see something that I genuinely feel isn't there. The game looks just as good to me on AMD or Nvidia.
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