Ray Tracing isn't the future, it's just a checkmark in some marketing dossier to show marginal improvements in IQ.
However, below is what the future holds:
BANDWIDTH Sensitive Gaming
Anyone who's played the series will clearly see they dialed it to 11. Although flown under the radar this is PS5 bandwidth in full force. Take note of:
-Ray Tracing
-large number NPCS
-large sandbox environments (multi environments)
-Destructible environments that beats physx.
-No stuttering, hitching going from one part of the planet to another showing a totally different landscape within milliseconds
-The amount of data they are using to showcase this is just phenomenal and its not limited to just GPU power.
All done with no stutter with no need for adaptive sync, freesync, gsycn, ISLC, physx, $1200 video cards, low latency monitors, low latency mice/keyboards and special tweaks and tricks because MS forgot to make win10 for gaming.
Sure, we can do it on PC but it will be a stuttering, hitch ridden mess.
The short and dirty answer to this future gaming problem is video cards with more then 16GB of Vram to alleviate bandwidth issues on PC. As 32GB of DDR5 won't be the answer do to being bandwidth starved for these kind of games.