Talking about disconnects you seem to have whole lots of them...
And consoles will be needing special techniques to mitigate very small generational memory increase.
Amount of RAM only doubled from 8GB to 16GB and that has to be enough for system RAM and VRAM for many many years, which makes it small.
While DRAM always trounces any Flash memory.
Not only in bandwidth, but especially in access latency:
Wouldn't wonder if in year or two we'll start seeing 16GB more commonly in graphics card VRAM alone.
Less than 8GB is quite certain to be relegated into low end cards and I expect big Navi to bring 12GB as minimum with 16GB well possible.
Pretty certain also Nvidia will be pushing above 12GB in high end.
Also 16GB is minimum RAM for gaming PC and high end should be moving to 32GB.
That's plenty of room to store game assets.
And with little game loading time differences between SATA and NVMe SSDs, there's lots of untapped potential in currently used PC storage tech.
No doubt courtesy of most games (+game engines) being multiplatters and designed for cramming into current stone age consoles...