I presume it is not. Who told us the truth about hot and unmanufacturable Fermi, who told us the truth about intel not being able to produce things on N10 node?
Nvidia’s Fermi GTX480 is broken and unfixable
Intel kills off the 10nm process
Why SemiAccurate called 10nm wrong
LOL, Well, that says it all about you really and explains why you are so wrong about things all the time. Especially if you use using Semi Accurate as a source of information. That site is known as an Anti-Nvidia, Anti-Intel site that's wrong more often than it's right.
If you can't see that or understand that then you need help. In fact you should listen to your own advice, look in a mirror and repeat the following :-
It is quite rude to try to discredit people all the time because they don't share your interests. It's foolish by you!