I find competitive multiplayer games boring.
But then the idea of playing said games with AI bots would bore me to tears as well.
The whole genre of competitive multiplayer doesn't interest me in the slightest. Whether that's FPS or RTS or whatever.
Part of it is the fact that you are never "done" with the game like you are with a SP game. Then there's the complete absence of any kind of story, or campaign.
Ultimately there's no "point" to any computer game, but I really can't bring myself to play the same game over and over and over with no end in sight
At least with SP you have a well defined start point, where the game is easy, then as the story progresses it gets harder or more complicated, you enjoy the story and then it's all done. Finito.
Whereas there are still legions of people playing CS:GO today that have essentially been playing the same game for decades.
I'm not saying there's anything
wrong with that (not at all), but it would absolutely drive me insane with boredom.
e: But then you've got the human factors as well. Playing with strangers online is often not without problems.
The AI player doesn't care if you've got 5 mins for a quick game or 5 hours. Doesn't care if you want to stop for dinner or a walk outside. And also doesn't have to do those things itself
Doesn't moan or whine about your choice of map.
The AI player will never rage quit, or shower you in a stream of expletives for making a rookie mistake (seriously, being a new player in an established game is often very much *not* fun).
Yadda, yadda.