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AMD Navi 23 ‘NVIDIA Killer’ GPU Rumored to Support Hardware Ray Tracing, Coming Next Year

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25 Nov 2011
Must have missed that then, so they wern't calling it themselves, the Nvidia Killer internally ey :D

Im not surprised though tbh, if the consoles are anyting to go buy for the RDNA2, i think theres going to be quite a few disappointed people on here, 4k@30, and 1440p@30, and thats with no RT, ouch :p

Am sure you just trolling now lol
26 Dec 2003
I find competitive multiplayer games boring.

But then the idea of playing said games with AI bots would bore me to tears as well.

The whole genre of competitive multiplayer doesn't interest me in the slightest. Whether that's FPS or RTS or whatever.

I've been pretty much the same but I don't mind MMPORG without the PvP element.

The way I see it gaming is supposed to be about enjoyment and relaxation, if you want to do well with competitive multiplayer then you have to be on your toes all of the time which kind of defeats the purpose.
17 Feb 2006
I've been pretty much the same but I don't mind MMPORG without the PvP element.

The way I see it gaming is supposed to be about enjoyment and relaxation, if you want to do well with competitive multiplayer then you have to be on your toes all of the time which kind of defeats the purpose.
Quite often if you want to "git good" at a particular onine multiplayer game, you'll also need to put in frankly obscene amounts of time to that one game, to the exclusion of all the other games in your Steam library and all the other non-gaming things you need to do also :p

And the payoff for this dedication is ?

Like you, I see games as relaxation, distraction, entertainment, fun.

Just adding the human element to your game can skyrocket the stress levels and reduce the fun factor a lot.

And that's before talking about cheating. Which is absolutely rife in most MP games.
16 Jan 2010
I find competitive multiplayer games boring.

But then the idea of playing said games with AI bots would bore me to tears as well.

The whole genre of competitive multiplayer doesn't interest me in the slightest. Whether that's FPS or RTS or whatever.

Part of it is the fact that you are never "done" with the game like you are with a SP game. Then there's the complete absence of any kind of story, or campaign.

Ultimately there's no "point" to any computer game, but I really can't bring myself to play the same game over and over and over with no end in sight :p

At least with SP you have a well defined start point, where the game is easy, then as the story progresses it gets harder or more complicated, you enjoy the story and then it's all done. Finito.

Whereas there are still legions of people playing CS:GO today that have essentially been playing the same game for decades.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that (not at all), but it would absolutely drive me insane with boredom.

e: But then you've got the human factors as well. Playing with strangers online is often not without problems.

The AI player doesn't care if you've got 5 mins for a quick game or 5 hours. Doesn't care if you want to stop for dinner or a walk outside. And also doesn't have to do those things itself :p Doesn't moan or whine about your choice of map.

The AI player will never rage quit, or shower you in a stream of expletives for making a rookie mistake (seriously, being a new player in an established game is often very much *not* fun).

Yadda, yadda.

Fair enough, I also find the toxic nature of a lot of online players a pain but I can honestly say I've only ever completed three single player games COD MW 2007 and Half Life 2 and B17 the mighty 8th. I've owned probably 100 plus games but apart from GTA 5, which keeps me coming back or would have if it had a cloud save (I've twice lost all my progress and can't be arsed to start again), but I get bored quickly in nearly all single player games. Different people enjoy different games and different styles of play which is a good thing, neither are 'better' or 'worse' than the other and it's great we have the alternatives. I agree regarding stress levels when playing with human players and can remember many times deciding that I couldn't commit to a game as the prospect was too stressful/anxiety inducing! Any yes 'get good' does usually involve obscene amounts of time and commitment. SP games are certainly more relaxing!
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8 Jul 2003
In a house
Coming the same time as Ampere, September.

It kind of is expected as well, after the summer everybody is going to release everything. however in regards to Big NAVI aka AMD RDNA2 Based Radeon RX Graphics Cards, the newly set launch would be September. And likely with NVIDIA in that same timeframe.

it is Taiwanese media outlet DigiTimes that mentions that AMD and NVIDIA both are expected to launch their next-gen GPUs and thus graphics cards fro consumers in September.

DigiTimes -

first half of a year has been usually the slow season for graphics cards, but this year the coronavirus pandemic-triggeed stay-at-home needs has shored up demand. With AMD and Nvidia set to launch their next-generation GPUs in September, graphics cards vendors are expected to cut prices for older-generation products, stimulating demand further in third-quarter 2020. The pandemic-fueled demand for notebooks is also expected keep NAND flash memory prices stable in the third quarter. And the fresh US trade sanctions on Huawei is not deterring the Chinese tech giant from making building 5G networks around China. For semiconductor, Digitimes has an exclusive interview with TSMC's R&D senior VP Cliff Hou, who reveals the principles and issues concerning the foundry's recruitement and R&D.

Graphics card makers see shipments boom: Graphics card manufacturers including Asustek Computer, Micro-Star International (MSI) and Gigabyte Technology are expected to see their shipments continue ramping up and grow through the fourth quarter of 2020, according to industry sources.

Well, if Digitimes says it, who are we to argue. Well, bring it on we'd say!

26 Sep 2010
Last I heard AMD were looking to release RDNA2 discrete cards at the same time as the consoles for an all-in RDNA2 haymaker. But the console launch times are now up in the air, so who knows! "Fall 2020" and "Holiday 2020" are completely different quarters :p
22 Nov 2003
I find competitive multiplayer games boring.

But then the idea of playing said games with AI bots would bore me to tears as well.

The whole genre of competitive multiplayer doesn't interest me in the slightest. Whether that's FPS or RTS or whatever.

Part of it is the fact that you are never "done" with the game like you are with a SP game. Then there's the complete absence of any kind of story, or campaign.

Ultimately there's no "point" to any computer game, but I really can't bring myself to play the same game over and over and over with no end in sight :p

At least with SP you have a well defined start point, where the game is easy, then as the story progresses it gets harder or more complicated, you enjoy the story and then it's all done. Finito.

Whereas there are still legions of people playing CS:GO today that have essentially been playing the same game for decades.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that (not at all), but it would absolutely drive me insane with boredom.

e: But then you've got the human factors as well. Playing with strangers online is often not without problems.

The AI player doesn't care if you've got 5 mins for a quick game or 5 hours. Doesn't care if you want to stop for dinner or a walk outside. And also doesn't have to do those things itself :p Doesn't moan or whine about your choice of map.

The AI player will never rage quit, or shower you in a stream of expletives for making a rookie mistake (seriously, being a new player in an established game is often very much *not* fun).

Yadda, yadda.

I agree with you completely. For me, it's an age thing. I'm almost certain if I was in my teens / early twenties, I'd be playing the MOBA's / competetive FPS whatever, but now I just want to relax with a nice single player experience and decent story / characters. It's why The Last of Us remains one of my favourite games to date.
26 Sep 2010
Even monster APUs won't make Nvidia sweat. Losing laptop graphics won't make that much of a dent in Nvidia's bank balance. Now, if a monster APU delivers anything up to mid-range performance, and thus degating the need to buy a discrete GPU at that performance tier, then yeah, Nvidia may get sweaty.

But then AMD will as well because if an APU negates the need to buy a 60-class Nvidia card, it also negates the need to buy the AMD equivalent.
18 Oct 2002
Wonder how long it'll be before an apu makes a GPU redundant for even the high end, can't really see it in the short term as the heat output would be mental.
22 Feb 2019
I'd really like to see AMD do a Ryzen with RDNA2, give Nvidia something to cold sweat over, Intel are in full panic mode and that's what i want to see on the GPU side.

Come on AMD you can do it....

I'd like to see that too.

But it's an big ask though with RDNA2 being AMD's first generation implementation of RT.
Realistically I cannot see them out performing Nvidia's new upcoming range.
I think it would take something real special like an dual GPU die card to make up the deficit that they are lagging behind by imho.

But I'm staying as open minded as I can.
I would love to be proven wrong on this one.
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18 Oct 2002
Must have missed that then, so they wern't calling it themselves, the Nvidia Killer internally ey :D

Nothing but unsubstantiated rumours which could have been made up by anyone. But as usual when tech rumours are concerned someone could leak the code-name being "massive schlong 20000" and people would still take it as fact.
26 Sep 2010
we don't know that yet, what we do know is an 80CU RDNA2 GPU if it exists would be competitive with Ampere on rasterization but on price, ray tracing and DLSS who knows?
Despite DLSS 3 apparently being excellent, it's still a gimmick that shouldn't be needed if the raw grunt is there. Despite the leaked Ampere specs indicating the 3060 can ray trace better than the 2080 Ti, arguably it's still not powerful enough. As a result, despite the comparisons being there, I still think ray tracing performance is going to be disregarded when comparing AMD and Nvidia offerings, at least until the consoles lead the way in ray tracing ALL TEH THINGZ because they can (a year or 2 I reckon) by which time both AMD and Nvidia's ray tracing solutions will be significantly improved again.

FWIW, I reckon RDNA2 will ray trace a lot better than Turing, yet won't match Ampere, but AMD's implementation of ray tracing will be more refined reducing rendering bottlenecks and just tip overall performance over Ampere just a tad. Although it's been discussed the rendering workloads on Ampere are significantly more balanced now.
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