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AMD R9 290 (Non-X, Pro, etc) Owners Club

Fancy giving me a loan for that? :D
Yeah it's hard to justify Nvidia cards for price/performance, but as I've now had 6 faulty AMD cards in total I'm very reluctant to go down that route again :(
I've been looking at the 290X Lightning, as I've not heard of any black screen problems with that card.
That price though :o

Its actually the Elpida Memory ones that Black Screen, like the one you had, and the one i still have.


Elpida seem to be fickle Memory IC's, mine Black Screens if i turn the volts down to far or push the Memory to high. Hynix; though not immune are much better, the best IC's are Samsung, and thats what all 290X Lightnings have
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After changing my case to a carbide air 540 and improving air flow it seems there's not much I can do to lower the temps on my msi gaming edition 290's. With just one in it stops about 65° but with both in the top one sits between 80° and 95° and that's with the fans going full tilt. So I'm just using one at the moment luckily all I'm playing is dark souls and call of Juarez gunslinger both of which are fine at 1440p with one gpu.
Quick question for someone who knows better than me, when I'm playing games the fan speeds up, but for some reason on titanfall the fans don't, yet it doesn't always maintain 60fps.

This doesn't make sense to me as its like the game isn't pushing the card yet isn't stuck at 60fps.

Or am I being stupid about something?
After changing my case to a carbide air 540 and improving air flow it seems there's not much I can do to lower the temps on my msi gaming edition 290's. With just one in it stops about 65° but with both in the top one sits between 80° and 95° and that's with the fans going full tilt. So I'm just using one at the moment luckily all I'm playing is dark souls and call of Juarez gunslinger both of which are fine at 1440p with one gpu.

That's how it is when you crossfire cards like these unfortunately :(
Could re-applying the thermal paste help?

I'm also guessing that the rad on the front isn't helping. Not only will it reduce ariflow but it'll probably warm the air up a bit.
Maybe different fans on that rad would help? Air penatrators might push the air out the back better?
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