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AMD R9 290 (Non-X, Pro, etc) Owners Club

5 Oct 2009
After changing my case to a carbide air 540 and improving air flow it seems there's not much I can do to lower the temps on my msi gaming edition 290's. With just one in it stops about 65° but with both in the top one sits between 80° and 95° and that's with the fans going full tilt. So I'm just using one at the moment luckily all I'm playing is dark souls and call of Juarez gunslinger both of which are fine at 1440p with one gpu.

I feel your pain

See my thread
20 Feb 2009
Not where I'd like to be
For what it cost me, compared to the extra I'd have had to spend to get a GTX 780 or greater, I am very impressed with how my 290 handles gaming at 2560x1440. Both Metro's run great as does Crysis 3. I had to knock a couple of setting s down a notch but I can't see the graphical difference.

The Thief benchmark was in the 40's for the average frame rate with settings on max, except for AA as I did drop that a little.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I've been experimenting with a powertune target of 80c but with a custom fan profile. This is a cool little feature and i don't know why its not included for AIB 290 cards. It could be especially handy for crossfire users who are suffering from high temps on the top card. Powertune downclocks the card as needed in order to stay at the specific temp you set. This is even affected by how much cold air you give the gpu's. Give the gpu's no cold air the the card will downclock further to maintain the temp than if you supply the cards with lots of cold air from front intakes. Provide more cool front intake air, you can lower the gpu fan speed even further. If you have a combination of good cold air being supplied to the gpu's coupled with a decent fan profile you get minimal throttling that hardly affects performance yet keeps the gpu set at your desired temp.

This is a tweakers paradise... for me anyway. :p
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I've been experimenting with a powertune target of 80c but with a custom fan profile. This is a cool little feature and i don't know why its not included for AIB 290 cards. It could be especially handy for crossfire users who are suffering from high temps on the top card. Powertune downclocks the card as needed in order to stay at the specific temp you set. This is even affected by how much cold air you give the gpu's. Give the gpu's no cold air the the card will downclock further to maintain the temp than if you supply the cards with lots of cold air from front intakes. Provide more cool front intake air, you can lower the gpu fan speed even further. If you have a combination of good cold air being supplied to the gpu's coupled with a decent fan profile you get minimal throttling that hardly affects performance yet keeps the gpu set at your desired temp.

This is a tweakers paradise... for me anyway. :p

oh... i'm missing out on something :o can you show me a screenie?
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Oh that ^^^ yes i have that. only (if i remember correctly) mine only goes to 75c

Its very clever, the whole thing is, the GPU actually only runs as fast as it needs to, and it doesn't take it in 100Mhz chunks, it can be running at anything from 769, or 823 or 824 or your max overclock, i have seen it running as low 358Mhz... (not being exact) that is unless you have vSync turned off.
24 Oct 2012
Hello again!

Some of you might recall me posting a few weeks ago about some artifacting I was experiencing with my MSI R9 290 Gaming Edition. Well, it surfaced at a time when I happened to have Fraps running so I grabbed it, and here it is:

This also happens in BF4, which is pretty much the only other game I play. It doesn't happen often, certainly not enough to make a big deal out of, the only reason I'm wondering is in case it could get worse / more frequent. Usually I just reboot the game I'm playing and it's fine again.

The card is running at standard clocks / voltages, and has never been overclocked. I did a spot of mining on it for a bit but nothing that should affect the card like this.

I am running the latest Catalyst driver (updated yesterday). This vid was taken today.

Any ideas?
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I'm not quite sure why you'd want the card to downclock?

Sometimes i have more fps than i need. For example in sniper elite v2, highest possible settings only thing disabled is computer shader effect which blurs the image and looks horrid, disable that and fps shoot up at 1440P. A bit of throttling in this game and its unnoticeable. I can then run a slow fan profile of 50% or lower and lock temps at 80c and not seen the core drop much below 947.
20 Feb 2009
Not where I'd like to be
So when I do get my second 290 I would, ideally, get a second MSI 290 Gaming but due to always being up for a bargain I would buy whatever I could buy at a cheaper price, as long as quality doesn't suffer.

I believe you can mix and match different companies 290's but I also believe you need to have the gpu clock speed and memory speed the same? If this is the case does this happen automatically, i.e the system drops the faster card to the slower cards speeds, or do you have to do it manually? Or is it option 3, I have no clue what I'm talking about?
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I believe you can mix and match different companies 290's but I also believe you need to have the gpu clock speed and memory speed the same? If this is the case does this happen automatically, i.e the system drops the faster card to the slower cards speeds, or do you have to do it manually? Or is it option 3, I have no clue what I'm talking about?

No. Crossfire can work with the gpu's at different clock speeds with no problems. Both cards can run happily at different clocks. Personally though i like my cards running at identical speeds.
5 Oct 2009
So it was option 3 then. Story of my life :D

You were on the right lines... ;)

I take Matt's comment one further and say I like my cards at the same speeds and also matching... I couldn't live with knowing my cards didn't match. What if they fell out over their attire? What if they feud escalated and one killed the other? *shudders* I cannot even think about it... identical twins or GTFO
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