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AMD R9 290 (Non-X, Pro, etc) Owners Club

12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Guys I think my 290s are broken. I heard they're supposed to sound like jet engines? :confused:


I Just did a run with a slight overclock on BF4 for 30 minutes. Tried your settings, so 94c target temp and auto up to 100% fan speed and this is what i got. Surprisingly, no throttling. Though obviously my gpu temps were higher than with my custom profile. Max fan speed 58% on gpu1 and 53% on gpu 2. GPU1 does run a bit hotter so i might try and repaste that one with some IC Diamond 24 and see if it helps at all. This was with the gpu's under constant 99% load. Shows 98% as im using the alternative gpu usage monitoring.



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29 Aug 2010
I Just did a run with a slight overclock on BF4 for 30 minutes. Tried your settings, so 94c target temp and auto up to 100% fan speed and this is what i got. Surprisingly, no throttling. Though obviously my gpu temps were higher than with my custom profile. Max fan speed 58% on gpu1 and 53% on gpu 2. GPU1 does run a bit hotter so i might try and repaste that one with some IC Diamond 24 and see if it helps at all. This was with the gpu's under constant 99% load. Shows 98% as im using the alternative gpu usage monitoring.

So did that work out better or worse than your custom fan profile regarding fan-speed/noise?
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
So did that work out better or worse than your custom fan profile regarding fan-speed/noise?

Erm im not sure to be honest. I think it worked wonders on the second card, as it only hit 53% which is lower than usual considering both cards were flat out 100% of the time. The top card hit roughly what it did on my manual profile though. I find it interesting that there was no throttling at all. Its convinced me that this might be worth keeping, or further experimenting with. I might also switch my cards around and see if it works better with the slightly hotter one on the bottom. I guess if i lower the temp target further the fans will have to work harder though.
29 Aug 2010
Erm im not sure to be honest. I think it worked wonders on the second card, as it only hit 53% which is lower than usual considering both cards were flat out 100% of the time. The top card hit roughly what it did on my manual profile though. I find it interesting that there was no throttling at all. Its convinced me that this might be worth keeping, or further experimenting with. I might also switch my cards around and see if it works better with the slightly hotter one on the bottom. I guess if i lower the temp target further the fans will have to work harder though.

Unless your custom profile also lets the cards get to 94ºC, then you would expect this to be lower fan speed. See how it works if you lower the temp target to closer to what your custom fan profile would top out at?

That's pretty good. I can only go to -25mV at 947/1250 :o
I also can't overclock to 1100. Think I got naff ones.

Me and you both buddy!
Although I am running 947 @ -56mv. Can't do 1100MHz on stock volts though.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Unless your custom profile also lets the cards get to 94ºC, then you would expect this to be lower fan speed. See how it works if you lower the temp target to closer to what your custom fan profile would top out at?

Me and you both buddy!
Although I am running 947 @ -56mv. Can't do 1100MHz on stock volts though.

It used to be mid 80's but its creeping up to 89C now in my sweatbox room with my custom fan profile. I will have a fiddle and try a temp target of 90C. I'm also going to switch my gpu's round now and see what difference that makes first.

I can't do -0.056v, even with 947/1250. I get flickering while browsing. I can do -0.044v but thats about as low as i can go regardless of clock. Although i can do 1100/1425 on stock voltage on both cards.
29 Aug 2010
It used to be mid 80's but its creeping up to 89C now in my sweatbox room with my custom fan profile. I will have a fiddle and try a temp target of 90C. I'm also going to switch my gpu's round now and see what difference that makes first.

I can't do -0.056v, even with 947/1250. I get flickering while browsing. I can do -0.044v but thats about as low as i can go regardless of clock. Although i can do 1100/1425 on stock voltage on both cards.

I originally set -56mv when AB had that bug where it would change the voltage when you clicked apply (I was going for -50mv). Then they fix AB but I didn't change the setting.
I've not touched the AUX voltage though.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Both my cards have Hynix ram but they black screen at the desktop at 1400mhz.

I originally set -56mv when AB had that bug where it would change the voltage when you clicked apply (I was going for -50mv). Then they fix AB but I didn't change the setting.
I've not touched the AUX voltage though.

Believe it or not, it definitely appears to work best with the temp target at 94C. Its able to maintain that without throttling and the fan speed is quieter than my custom fan profile. Also temp was not at 94C, it was dropping below that to 90-92C. I will continue to test it.

One problem i have noticed though is that the idle fan speed does not seem to budge from 20%, unless full 3d clocks kick in and the temp approaches the temp target.
17 Jul 2005
Believe it or not, it definitely appears to work best with the temp target at 94C. Its able to maintain that without throttling and the fan speed is quieter than my custom fan profile. Also temp was not at 94C, it was dropping below that to 90-92C. I will continue to test it.

One problem i have noticed though is that the idle fan speed does not seem to budge from 20%, unless full 3d clocks kick in and the temp approaches the temp target.

I am going to have to give this a quick go tonight.

My machine is being dissasembled tonight for a rebuild in a Corsair 250D. The little 760K was a major bottleneck even in what would intially appear to be a completely GPU bound scenario (Crysis 3 @ 5880x1080 with a single GPU). It wasn't just holding the card back slightly it was unplayable. My 290X returned HALF the framerate of a stock 7970Ghz....

Moving up to a i7 4770S (not interested in CPU Overclocking) which should alleviate any bottlenecks for now (my previous 780 @1200/7000 showed no bottleneck on a stock 2500K).

Upshot being that I have new toys to play with and a whole new game of how hot/loud the 290X will go :p.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Yep mine generally runs at about 92C too, it rarely hits 94C.

You want it to go higher at idle?

EDIT: Temp target of 94? I have mine at 95. Does 94 work better?

Sorry i meant 95C. :)

I don't want it to go higher at idle, but i imagine it will at the fan does not budge from 20%. That's the only downside i can see so far. In your case maybe thats a good thing though. :p

I am going to have to give this a quick go tonight.

My machine is being dissasembled tonight for a rebuild in a Corsair 250D. The little 760K was a major bottleneck even in what would intially appear to be a completely GPU bound scenario (Crysis 3 @ 5880x1080 with a single GPU). It wasn't just holding the card back slightly it was unplayable. My 290X returned HALF the framerate of a stock 7970Ghz....

Moving up to a i7 4770S (not interested in CPU Overclocking) which should alleviate any bottlenecks for now (my previous 780 @1200/7000 showed no bottleneck on a stock 2500K).

Upshot being that I have new toys to play with and a whole new game of how hot/loud the 290X will go :p.

Ah well, you live and learn. I think you'd need Mantle get the most from that APU.
17 Jul 2005
Sorry i meant 95C. :)

I don't want it to go higher at idle, but i imagine it will at the fan does not budge from 20%. That's the only downside i can see so far. In your case maybe thats a good thing though. :p

Ah well, you live and learn. I think you'd need Mantle get the most from that APU.

Thief's doubling of the framerate even in Eyefinity definately agrees with your point. At the very least DX12 / Mantle would improve the situation.

TBH when the machine was originally spec'd it was for my wife to play L4D/indie games on a single monitor. I got annoyed by having three screens yet not being able to use them properly (for gaming) thus bought the 290(X). Then the problem arose of how would the 760K cope. I genuinely thought it would be better given how GPU limited you generally are at this resolution. BF3 was absolutely fine in SP for example, yet multiplayer was a stutter fest. Sleeping dogs again was fine as was Thief when running under Mantle. Unfortunately the BF3 multiplayer and Crysis 3 issues sullied everything and started the upgrade itch. I think we can all agree that once this itch starts you can't cure it unless you upgrade :D (This is my excuse anyway :p)
20 Jul 2012
Sorry i meant 95C. :)

I don't want it to go higher at idle, but i imagine it will at the fan does not budge from 20%. That's the only downside i can see so far. In your case maybe thats a good thing though. :p.

Ah :D

Mine idles at 30-40 generally. Though after playing a game it takes a reaaaallly long time to go back to idle temps.
Yeah I find it quite loud. I'm always quite surprised when I turn my PC on.

I might switch my cards around, maybe the other one is quieter at idle :p
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I took mine apart today and cleaned the fan and the insides. Even took the plastic shroud off and gave it a clean. The dust filter on the front of my carbide 540 is useless. Loads of dust still gets through and collects around the hard drive bays.
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