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**AMD Radeon 390X Graphics Card WCE**

Not really, as you said you and DM were on the same page yet he clearly didn't see it.

Nothing against him it's just something I've noticed with him quoting DM posts and agreeing.
Being that Faud is a useless idiot and usually posts whatever nonsense gets sent to him I would suspect he's just doing another clickbait article

Is this not just another reply bait post? Not one of us here knows what's coming. Until AMD give us some concrete proof of specs all we're doing is chewing the cud.

Blah blah blah, I think this, I think that, you're right, you're wrong. It's one thing to have a discussion, but this has just turned into a random attack thread. I thought this place was better than that.
What is possible is it was always going to be an 8GB chip with 8 memory connections


That's my thinking as well, 4GB and 8GB were always planned, after the Titan X announcement and general internet buzz around 4GB not being enough any more. Maybe AMD decided to release just the 8GB for the very high end.

Whatever the cause I hope it is 8GB, 8GB HBM on a GPU with a lot of grunt will be very nice indeed..
I would assume that denser HBM has released earlier than expected, it is the only explanation since all earlier accounts, point to an interposed with only 4 memory placements.

Or they always accounted fir denser hbm, first gen hbm still, to arrive before release and all the 4GB cards were just for testing the core and memory architecture.

I.e. They always planned for 8GB cards for retail.
Also it's a fair assumption that 2x Crossfired 390x's will be faster than ONE TitanX.

Why? Because the benchmarks already show SLI 980's are faster than ONE TitanX, and the 390x is going to be at least on par with a 980 and presumably with the new High bandwidth memory, significantly faster

390x will crush the 980, and will probably trade with the Titan X, all the while costing half the price of the titan:P
Is this not just another reply bait post? Not one of us here knows what's coming. Until AMD give us some concrete proof of specs all we're doing is chewing the cud.

Blah blah blah, I think this, I think that, you're right, you're wrong. It's one thing to have a discussion, but this has just turned into a random attack thread. I thought this place was better than that.

Seriously, what are you talking about, Faud is an idiot, he consistently posts completely stupid stories on his increasingly stupid website, 99% of what he posts is incorrect(as with most click bait tech websites that simply spout a new rumour every other day hoping to get hits).

The technical parts of an article he posted are quite literally impossible, making him either doing it for click bait or too stupid to know it's impossible. Considering the history of his site and stories he posts, it's actually likely to be both. he has for what 5+ years shown a basic misunderstanding and lack of knowledge on the subject matter he claims to know about.

It's not a random attack thread, I haven't randomly personally attacked people in this thread and calling Faud an idiot is hardly turning this place into a site of personal attacks.

Plenty of tech sites are merely click bait rumour mills, but he's posted a story that isn't just click bait, it is without mincing words, stupid. If you post stupid stories on a tech site claiming to have insider knowledge in the industry but your stories are technically impossible and usually stupid... expect to get called stupid.

EDIT:- also be aware, I didn't claim to know what AMD are releasing, nor do I really care, 4GB is enough for me for the resolutions I'll use so paying more to appease random people who mostly don't need more than 4GB(and by most I mean 99.99% of people because most people still don't have 4k screens) doesn't make much sense to me. I'd prefer a £50-100 cheaper 4GB card today then get an 8GB twice as fast card in 2 years when I might have a 4k screen.

Anyway, I'm not claiming the card has 4 or 8GB, or how it's arranged, all I'm doing is pointing out that Faud's story, which isn't primarily about the memory amount but how and when they decided to make it a higher capacity card... is ludicrous and literally impossible. The card could have either, what it absolutely can't have is 4 stacks as of a few weeks ago then add 4 more stacks at the last second after seeing some Nvidia card announced with more memory. That is not how the silicon industry works. The number of stacks on the 390x would have been finalised likely a minimum of 8-12 months before launch.
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Anyway, I'm not claiming the card has 4 or 8GB, or how it's arranged, all I'm doing is pointing out that Faud's story, which isn't primarily about the memory amount but how and when they decided to make it a higher capacity card... is ludicrous and literally impossible. The card could have either, what it absolutely can't have is 4 stacks as of a few weeks ago then add 4 more stacks at the last second after seeing some Nvidia card announced with more memory. That is not how the silicon industry works. The number of stacks on the 390x would have been finalised likely a minimum of 8-12 months before launch.

So the card could turn up with 8gb like Fud are claiming.:)

Who cares if Fuds informant is his granny who reads tea leaves for a day job as long as it is right.:D
Seriously, what are you talking about, Faud is an idiot, he consistently posts completely stupid stories on his increasingly stupid website, 99% of what he posts is incorrect(as with most click bait tech websites that simply spout a new rumour every other day hoping to get hits).

The technical parts of an article he posted are quite literally impossible, making him either doing it for click bait or too stupid to know it's impossible. Considering the history of his site and stories he posts, it's actually likely to be both. he has for what 5+ years shown a basic misunderstanding and lack of knowledge on the subject matter he claims to know about.

It's not a random attack thread, I haven't randomly personally attacked people in this thread and calling Faud an idiot is hardly turning this place into a site of personal attacks.

Plenty of tech sites are merely click bait rumour mills, but he's posted a story that isn't just click bait, it is without mincing words, stupid. If you post stupid stories on a tech site claiming to have insider knowledge in the industry but your stories are technically impossible and usually stupid... expect to get called stupid.

EDIT:- also be aware, I didn't claim to know what AMD are releasing, nor do I really care, 4GB is enough for me for the resolutions I'll use so paying more to appease random people who mostly don't need more than 4GB(and by most I mean 99.99% of people because most people still don't have 4k screens) doesn't make much sense to me. I'd prefer a £50-100 cheaper 4GB card today then get an 8GB twice as fast card in 2 years when I might have a 4k screen.

Anyway, I'm not claiming the card has 4 or 8GB, or how it's arranged, all I'm doing is pointing out that Faud's story, which isn't primarily about the memory amount but how and when they decided to make it a higher capacity card... is ludicrous and literally impossible. The card could have either, what it absolutely can't have is 4 stacks as of a few weeks ago then add 4 more stacks at the last second after seeing some Nvidia card announced with more memory. That is not how the silicon industry works. The number of stacks on the 390x would have been finalised likely a minimum of 8-12 months before launch.

Meanwhile in reality the rest of us will read these stories with a pinch of salt as we know they are RUMOURS. I'll repeat that for you incase you missed that RUMOURS. Pretty much anything we hear about the 390x may or may not be true. I'm just saying I won't dismiss any thing until AMD release the goods. Till then we're all just making (super hyping) stuff up in our own heads pretty much.

No need to attack people here.
Humbug, how can you agree with DM but disagree with me, when we are both saying the same thing.

I said the article was nonsense, as you cannot suddenly change from a 4 chip design to an 8 chip design since the Titan X announcement. DM says the same thing.

DM's post can be a little long winded and i confess to not reading them properly all the time. His vast columns of text burr as one big lump.

The jist i got was DM was saying is that it was always either 4GB or 8GB which is essentially what i am saying.

It is just speculation, no one is changing anything if that thing could have been anything to begin with. :)

I do feel that is doing humbug a disservice, I personally have many good discussions with him, he comes across as an intelligent person who is good to debate with most of the time.

Thank you and the same to you.
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Personally I think its inconceivable the 390X or whatever will only have 4Gb of memory, it will surely have 6/8Gb to cater for the burgeoning 1440p/4K etc monitors and of course the ever increasing demands of modern games. I demand its at least 8Gb and under £400. Yes there will be 4Gb cards for the hoards of 1080p users. If I am wrong then I will probably be out of Pc gaming as I cannot buy an Nvidia card or go crossfire (sorry amd but you really have peed off a lot of xfire users) as I don't want the hassle or heat. :)
Meanwhile in reality the rest of us will read these stories with a pinch of salt as we know they are RUMOURS. I'll repeat that for you incase you missed that RUMOURS. Pretty much anything we hear about the 390x may or may not be true. I'm just saying I won't dismiss any thing until AMD release the goods. Till then we're all just making (super hyping) stuff up in our own heads pretty much.

No need to attack people here.

What has that got to do with anything I said. Firstly name someone I attacked in this thread, the answer is no one. Secondly why are you talking about rumours. I'm stating something very simple this article is false, completely it isn't a rumour, what is claimed in the article is an impossibility. You can not fundamentally change the design of a chip in a few months let alone a few weeks. The article is false, my reply to you specifically stated I wasn't making claims about what the 390x would or wouldn't be, that does not make this particular article any less wrong.

If the 390x has 8GB this article is STILL incorrect, AMD will not have seen a 12GB Nvidia card and just added 4 more stacks of memory, this is impossible.

Why are your replies accusing me of attacking posters in this thread OR banging on about how you won't dismiss things, neither have any relevance to what I posted.

Lets put it this way, if I started up a tech website and posted an article saying that Nvidia saw that people weren't happy with the potential idea of a 4GB 390x, so they ground up fresh butterflies, applied the paste to their GM200 and it made it into a 12GB gpu.... even if the GM200 comes out in a 12GB card doesn't make it fact that it did so via the ground up butterflies method does it. Faud's article is false, that is fact, it is literally impossible for AMD to have made radical changes as he stated in the article in the time frame described.
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Just as drunkenmaster said, It would be impossible for AMD to make the aforementioned product in the way the article describes, especially in the time frame mentioned.

Not only would the interposer have to be square, wasting space for 4 chips, 1 in each corner, the square configuration to equalise all the trace lengths, this would also require the PCB to be redesigned to accomodate the new dimensions of the Interposer. The interposer would also have to be thicker as to accommodate all of the extra traces which adds further costs and complexity. The GPU package, let alone the memory controller, would also have to be modified to accommodate up to 4096 extra pin-outs those 4 extra chips would need.

This all revolving around each HBM stack, using up to 1024 I/O pins, as mentioned in the documentation, but from what i just read, some HBM prototypes have 193 I/O pins per stack, but this might not be how the production chips end up.

I am assuming that they are going to be using 1024 I/O modules, if the memory bus is 4096bit with 4 stacks of HBM.
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If you just look at all the rumours from day one about the 390X 99% of them point to the 390X being a 4GB card and HBM Gen 1 being limited to 4GB. Now we get ONE unsupported article saying the card being 8GB and the reason given for this change in thinking is based on a fact which is literally impossible leads to the rational conclusion that the 390X will be 4GB.

Though since AMD have confirmed nothing and no credible leaks have appeared we don't know anything so like a broken pencil this thread is pointless.
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