Been messing around with fan configurations tonight.
Ran 30 min loop of Grid autosport benchmark to get temps up
SP120 QE fan as exhaust, 74c
SP120 QE + Noctura NFP12 in push/pull configuration 69c
Corsair H100i AIO fan + stock fan in push/pull configuration 66c (so loud I could hear machine 2 rooms away.
Currently running the following.
Stock fan + Noctura NFP12 in push pull configuration 70c (Nosie level ok)
Quite how anyone get 60c gaming temps as the advertising suggests is beyond me !!
On the plus side, games seem to be running smoothy.
As a side note, my CPU temps have rissen 5c on average. Still around 65-68c so not to bothered atm.
Try to use the stock fan on it's own, blowing COLD air to the rad. So you put the fan on the external side, not blowing warm air from the case to the rad.
At stock speeds and assuming your room temp isn't 24C+ you will will not see more than 60C.
If you want more cooling performance and still be silent, you need to get something like two Magmas or Apaches, and if you want something more loud Piranhas.
(I put them from silent to loud)
Still the Piranhas are quieter than the 2 SP the H100 comes with by 30db to be precise.
But make sure you BLOW cold air from outside the case to the rad, not from inside the case.
Yes you might need to change the flow on the front fans of the case.