we already know for sure that rx580 is a lost cause even to a 1070. will vega even be able to match up to the 1080ti? from whats been leaked on the net so far it doesn't seem like it will, and if its vega vs volta then we know how that's going to turn out.
hoping all the info on vega is wrong and it is able to beat the 1080ti, hopefully it will start a price war.
How do you know that? Mid range is where most the money is made. This is usually <£300 is the 1070 sub £300 or has it been close? Its had a recent price drop but still bit pricey for a lot which means there has been a lot waiting still for a upgrade. AMD comes in with performance that's around 1070 level with 580 and prices it lower around 480 prices and that has a lot of people jumping on to thier next upgrade.