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AMD RX6000 series cracked dies and blown voltage rails after December driver update?

Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
did they pull the driver? Just checked on mine because I basically let it do its thing and it is saying that the latest driver is November?

I must be lucky because I just never seem to get any issues, it just works. I know the majority of this is 6600 but still thought I would check it...
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12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
did they pull the driver? Just checked on mine because I basically let it do its thing and it is saying that the latest driver is November?

I must be lucky because I just never seem to get any issues, it just works. I know the majority of this is 6600 but still thought I would check it...
No, just that some Vulkan extensions were added to the old package.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
No, just that some Vulkan extensions were added to the old package.

ahh well im probably running it or something similar, whatever really I downloaded and updated them a few days ago... no major failure here yet. Just gotta trust that the Nitro+ is over engineered enough to deal with it :cry:
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System

So is it just this one repair guy in Germany? Because if it is i would question his handling of the cards, if 70% of the cards sent for repair have cracked dies then we would be hearing a lot more about it than from just this one guy.

Of course the entire tech press jumping on it is just because there is a story to sell, it amplifies what is one guy in one shop possibly breaking the cards as he disassembled them and blaming it on manufacturing.

Anyone with an AM4 socket knows you do not just pull the cooler up, suction from thermal paste can be a powerful thing and pull the CPU right out of the locked socket, you twist and slide to break the seal.
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8 Jan 2003
So is it just this one repair guy in Germany? Because if it is i would question his handling of the cards, if 70% of the cards sent for repair have cracked dies then we would be hearing a lot more about it than from just this one guy.

Of course the entire tech press jumping on it is just because there is a story to sell, it amplifies what is one guy in one shop possibly breaking the cards as he disassembled them and blaming it on manufacturing.

Anyone with an AM4 socket knows you do not just pull the cooler up, suction from thermal paste can be a powerful thing and pull the CPU right out of the locked socket, you twist and slide to break the seal.
And if the cards are under warranty, why are they even being sent to a repair shop rather than the retailer or manufacturer.
6 Feb 2010
It was debunked basically a day or 2 after the story appeared. Yet Jay, with his finger on the pulse on the tech community waits a week to put out some drivel about it.
He's just learning from Nvidia...profiteering from Nvidia users :cry:

Everyone knows any video involve AMD potentially making an oopsie would get hundred thousands of views ez, with Nvidia users in particular happily watching them while eating popcorns :p
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8 Nov 2006
Where is this supposed debunking. It's not on twitter or reddit. Only people here claiming the chips have been reflowed, but are just statements.

One moron on reddit tries to claim they are all from one miner and gets immediately debunked.
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18 Oct 2002
Where is this supposed debunking. It's not on twitter or reddit. Only people here claiming the chips have been reflowed, but are just statements.

One moron on reddit tries to claim they are all from one miner and gets immediately debunked.

It's not hard to read between the lines, all these cards in a single country all going to the same store for repair instead of warranty replacement? If they've not been messed with then why are they going to a repair shop?

And if this is a driver issue, how is it only this select number of cards in Germany affected? Does nobody outside Germany have a 6000 series and they also conveniently aren't running the same driver that allegedly caused these issues? It's utter ********, a driver issue would affect thousands of card and reports would be flying in from all over the place, but they're not, how strange.
16 Aug 2017
One more thing - repair dude claim the only thing connecting these GPUs was new driver. I would say the only real thing connecting these GPUs is the person/company opening them and repairing. Which raises many different questions about it.
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8 Nov 2006
It's not hard to read between the lines, all these cards in a single country all going to the same store for repair instead of warranty replacement? If they've not been messed with then why are they going to a repair shop?

And if this is a driver issue, how is it only this select number of cards in Germany affected? Does nobody outside Germany have a 6000 series and they also conveniently aren't running the same driver that allegedly caused these issues? It's utter ********, a driver issue would affect thousands of card and reports would be flying in from all over the place, but they're not, how strange.

Read between the lines? So no evidence of heatgun damage and/or reflowed chips which people have been stating as facts here?
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
Read between the lines? So no evidence of heatgun damage and/or reflowed chips which people have been stating as facts here?

Can tell you from experience that you wouldn't be able to spot this 99% of the time if its done well. For example I replaced both RAM IC's on a forums members switch there is no way you would be able to tell they had been changed unless you knew they had been changed. Especially as the board went through the ultrasonic after.
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18 Oct 2002
Read between the lines? So no evidence of heatgun damage and/or reflowed chips which people have been stating as facts here?

So if the cards haven't been messed with why are they all going to a repair center instead of warranty replacement? It's really incredible all these cards with cracked cores also just happen to be out of warranty. And even more incredible this all seems to be occurring in Germany and nowhere else on the planet, who knew the 6000 series only had buyers in Germany, certainly news to me.

It's bs, the cards have obviously been ****** with, end of discussion.
31 Dec 2011
Does seem a bit suspect as I would have thought most of these cards would be in warranty especially in Germany where they have better buyer protection. Could be wrong of course and they bought them in Nov 2020 and they expired in December/Jan with a 2 year warranty but would be most unlucky.
5 Mar 2017
Someone flooded the local market with trashed GPUs, assembled them badly, some shows up damaged. As most people will simply update drivers when notified of a new version, not surprised.
I’m confident would be a real problem and not a local issue if it was happening everywhere else. Isn’t.
Particularly, I sold many well looked after GPUs, never had issues, but I’m reluctant in buying second hand. Every time I had to reinstall stock cooler good thermal paste was used, and new good quality and correct thickness thermal pad used. But I don’t believe most people care as much.
About Jay, I’m very suspicious of YouTubers who only praise products. Specially products that are clearly criticised everywhere else. His love for Corsair and Nvidia, too much for me to tolerate.
Rather spend my time watching grumpy Leo from KitGuru who doesn’t sugarcoat things he doesn’t like.
Lately I stopped watching quite a bunch of YouTubers who only have good things to say about every product. Was more like an early morning Polishop on TV than a honest review.
Take Mr Matt Lee, for example. No drama, good relaxing videos. Not reviews, clearly sponsored by the manufactures that feature in his videos, but it is as you see: not a review, not partial. Only a highlight showing the hardware under the best light.
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