AMD RYZEN 5000 SERIES 5950X, 5900X, 5800X & 5600X NOW ONLINE AT OcUK!!

checked AMD website and there is only 2 official "Authorised UK Distributors" for desktop cpus. I;ve emailed them as a long shot to find out is AMD did have a paper launch of its its down to purely demand. Pretty much ased for total UK order volumes and wat % dispatched. unlikely ill get a reply but what was the harm
The ideal is certainly to order something and have it the next day.

No doubt a chain of issues along a long supply chain have led to the frustration.

Certainly a single, locked, moderator only thread with all the news in it would be great to have right now.

But there is communication burried in the forum at least.

It's not like you can just pull your order from OCuk and go somewhere else for a fair price to get what you've ordered here. Doesn't seem like a good way to get your point across though, if it's easily rebutted in the eyes of those you're expecting to change.......

That is not an explanation, its just saying what has happened, not why. The fact of what has happened and that there are delays is there. What is more important is for us to be made aware of why. What delays have occurred, who is at fault for said delays occurring, what steps OCUK are going to take co ordinating with partners and distributors to alleviate these problems.
Gibbo is being transparent but far from the quality of transparency some Danish competitors give customers.

Being more pro consumer wouldn't hurt OCUK considering them buying stock at inflated prices atm. OCUK for instance are still selling pre builds which have Ryzens in them. Would it not be more consumer friendly to stop selling pre mades and fulfil already existing Ryzen orders? This even means they wouldn't have to buy CPU's at inflated prices elsewhere.
As I understood it for the 3000 nvidia series, the stock for prebuilds is not the same for individual purchase. And AMD nvidia etc allocate specific stock for those specific uses and they're not allowed to sell them for one or the other.
Like CPUs Prebuilt stock will not come in retail packaging as there is little point. A US retailer sent out a load of OEM cards in error in the initial launch chaos and they arrived to a few people smashed to pieces.
checked AMD website and there is only 2 official "Authorised UK Distributors" for desktop cpus. I;ve emailed them as a long shot to find out is AMD did have a paper launch of its its down to purely demand. Pretty much ased for total UK order volumes and wat % dispatched. unlikely ill get a reply but what was the harm
The definition of a paper launch is highly subjective because on one end of the scale you have zero product to buy and at the other you've got more supply than there is demand... where do you want to place your flag?

I would argue in 2020 what is important is that there is 'enough supply for the first hour after launch' followed by significant quantities of stock within the first 30days. If you can't meet that standard paper launch or not its a 'toilet paper launch'.

The second point I think worth making is we need to stop this preorder post launch BS, there is no good reason preorders shouldn't be allowed weeks ahead of a product launch if for no other reason than to inform manufacturers what the demand is.
The definition of a paper launch is highly subjective because on one end of the scale you have zero product to buy and at the other you've got more supply than there is demand... where do you want to place your flag?

I would argue in 2020 what is important is that there is 'enough supply for the first hour after launch' followed by significant quantities of stock within the first 30days. If you can't meet that standard paper launch or not its a 'toilet paper launch'.

The second point I think worth making is we need to stop this preorder post launch BS, there is no good reason preorders shouldn't be allowed weeks ahead of a product launch if for no other reason than to inform manufacturers what the demand is.

100%. Don't understand the delay in pre-orders either.
Gibbo is being transparent but far from the quality of transparency some Danish competitors give customers.

Always happy to push for transparency and consistency and quality in communications from otherwise inscrutable corporations, though I'm also satisfied with knowing what I know personally here in this issue around the CPUs. Perhaps I'm a product of my culture where standing in an orderly queue isn't much of an issue. OCuk aren't setting out to deliberately alienate their customers, even if that is the outcome for some of them.
Yup let's all promise the the new tech spend millions on advertising and flush your customers down the drain excellent business model! AMD yes you it's like the old saying got all the kit and no idea as to how to use it!
Also, don't forget that there is a global pandemic, delays like this are going to happen.

I dont think covid is much of a factor in this to be honest..
1. The machines making the chips cant catch covid.
2. delivery drivers are least likely to catch covid which is why most things these days can only be attained by purchasing via delivery.

The only part of the chain i can see covid being an issue is maybe the packing but if safeghuards are in place then there really should be no covid excuses being made.
I dont think covid is much of a factor in this to be honest..
1. The machines making the chips cant catch covid.
2. delivery drivers are least likely to catch covid which is why most things these days can only be attained by purchasing via delivery.

The only part of the chain i can see covid being an issue is maybe the packing but if safeghuards are in place then there really should be no covid excuses being made.

Most packaging and warehouses are ramping up number of jobs, i can say my friends working in Swansea Amazon plant and some friends in American warehouses are working under real bad conditions and social distancing is not enforced inside the warehouses because companies and supervisors dont care, they want efficiency and results.
I don't buy COVID affecting delivery at all apart from maybe in customs. But customs is a rather simple system for crates of product.
Customers should not have to compromise because OCUK and their distributor dropped the ball.
You're not seeing the big picture. It's a worldwide shortage - the queue numbers being posted on this forum and elsewhere, March 21 quoted to US buyers etc. AMD have dropped the ball just like Nvidia did with Ampere.
You're not seeing the big picture. It's a worldwide shortage - the queue numbers being posted on this forum and elsewhere, March 21 quoted to US buyers etc. AMD have dropped the ball just like Nvidia did with Ampere.
I don't think they have dropped the ball, its the simple fact they have so much to make, new CPU, new GPU, new SoC for PS/X-Box etc etc.. Only so much 7nm Fab space to go around... Plus Covid is making people have a lot more disposable cash and the working from home has made those with older PC's start looking at upgrading... Perfect storm you could say...
Also, don't forget that there is a global pandemic, delays like this are going to happen.

I think part of it is down to that as well. My parents sent me some stuff from Sweden in October, usually it takes about a week to arrive. This time it took about 3,5 weeks to arrive even though it was sent just as usual.
I don't think they have dropped the ball, its the simple fact they have so much to make, new CPU, new GPU, new SoC for PS/X-Box etc etc.. Only so much 7nm Fab space to go around... Plus Covid is making people have a lot more disposable cash and the working from home has made those with older PC's start looking at upgrading... Perfect storm you could say...

That's WHY they've dropped the ball, but doesn't alter the fact that they've still dropped it.
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