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AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D CPU Burns Up

5 Sep 2011

As expected, although SVI3 cannot be probed, the reading is taken from inside the die and reads lower than what is observed elsewhere.
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8 Jun 2003
Asus have a non Beta up to date BIOS for the X670E-F if anyone needs it, don't know about the other motherboards on the Asus platform, hopefully they've all been updated


Version 1415
9.21 MB 2023/05/16
"1. Update AGESA version to Combo AM5 PI
2. Support 48/24GB high-density DDR5 memory module.
3. Memory QVL amended to account for AMD 1.3V SoC voltage limit.
4. EXPO/XMP prompt notice removed.

Before running the USB BIOS Flashback tool, please rename the BIOS file (SX670EF.CAP) using BIOSRenamer."
26 Apr 2017
Asus have a non Beta up to date BIOS for the X670E-F if anyone needs it, don't know about the other motherboards on the Asus platform, hopefully they've all been updated


Version 1415
9.21 MB 2023/05/16
"1. Update AGESA version to Combo AM5 PI
2. Support 48/24GB high-density DDR5 memory module.
3. Memory QVL amended to account for AMD 1.3V SoC voltage limit.
4. EXPO/XMP prompt notice removed.

Before running the USB BIOS Flashback tool, please rename the BIOS file (SX670EF.CAP) using BIOSRenamer."
mine was the b650 tuf gaming 1616 bios
26 Jan 2007
What's the safest way of doing a bios update in a brand new build? Literally leave the CPU out and use the flashback button? Any known risks with that?

3. Memory QVL amended to account for AMD 1.3V SoC voltage limit.

Ohh poop, this is the sort of thing I was wondering about a couple of weeks back. Be interested to know what's dropped off the list and what it says about those memory kits (if anything).
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6 Aug 2009
What's the safest way of doing a bios update in a brand new build? Literally leave the CPU out and use the flashback button? Any known risks with that?

Ohh poop, this is the sort of thing I was wondering about a couple of weeks back. Be interested to know what's dropped off the list and what it says about those memory kits (if anything).
From what I've seen you'll be fine unless you are running all four DIMMS and large amounts of RAM.
Man of Honour
16 Mar 2005
Clevedon , Bristol
Interesting point raised here, the board vendors were ' told ' that 1.4 SOC was fine by AGESA firmware ( look at the last line ).


So AMD were/are at fault for a lot of the problems
1 Nov 2002
ASUS have unfairly taken a lot of the brunt of this IMO, despite them probably following AMD’s own specifications. Although I think GN did a good investigation, the problem with these kinds of things is they don’t have access to all the information and have probably made quite a few assumptions. Now half the internet is ‘ASUS=bad’.

All the while Gigabyte is standing in the corner trying not to move so no one can see it.

I think ASUS could have done a better job with the warranty text in the BIOS release, but again that’s copy and paste. I’ve seen it on beta BIOS releases since…forever. Glad they removed it though.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Nah Asus only folded under pressure - they had a chance to do the right thing and didn't until the spotlight was shone on them - GN held their original follow ups to give Asus time to respond.

While GN was somewhat aggressive about it:

We want to note also that ASUS emailed us last week after Part 1 of exploding CPUs - an unprompted email - and asked if they could fly out to our office this week to meet with us about the issues and speak "openly." We told them we'd be down for it but that we'd have to record the conversation. They did say they wanted to speak openly, after all. They haven't replied to us for 5 days. So... ASUS had a chance to correct this. We were holding the video to afford that opportunity. But as soon as we said "sure, but we're filming it because we want a record of what's promised," we get silence. Wanting to comment on something and provide a statement is not only fine, but encouraged; we're always happy to provide that opportunity. See: Newegg interview with the executives. However, we're not going to let it be done without accountability and in the shadows. They could have done this the right way.
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1 Nov 2002
Nah Asus only folded under pressure - they had a chance to do the right thing and didn't until the spotlight was shone on them - GN held their original follow ups to give Asus time to respond.

Did they though? My understanding is they tried to retrieve the dead parts so they could investigate. GN beat them to it and purchased some of the parts themselves. Things don’t always happen fast in big organisations. They probably were trying to investigate matters themselves before making any kind of public statements.

Not agreeing to a recorded meeting might seem shady but I don’t buy that ASUS were ever being malicious anywhere. I’m glad there was some pressure from GN and others to get the focus on the issue and get it resolved ASAP, as well as forcing ASUS to remove the warranty text. But there does seem to be an element of hysteria and a lot of it is driven from high profile social media accounts.
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30 Aug 2010
Did they though? My understanding is they tried to retrieve the dead parts so they could investigate. GN beat them to it and purchased some of the parts themselves. Things don’t always happen fast in big organisations. They probably were trying to investigate matters themselves before making any kind of public statements.

Not agreeing to a recorded meeting might seem shady but I don’t buy that ASUS were ever being malicious anywhere. I’m glad there was some pressure from GN and others to get the focus on the issue and get it resolved ASAP, as well as forcing ASUS to remove the warranty text. But there does seem to be an element of hysteria and a lot of it is driven from high profile social media accounts.
I mean they tried to bribe that redditor with a free additional product to send it to them after they found out GN was going to be scooping it up. Which as GN said might have been nice if it was standard procedure and given to everyone affected, but it wasn't, it was just that one guy. Making it seem like a bribe to stop GN from looking into it. It's just not a good look all around, I'm sorry.
6 Feb 2019
only linus seems to be in the dark about this issue....

Unless he's planning to change, Linus is a mass market overhyped unboxing channel with most videos being sponsored advertisements for products. There is no way he's going to blacklist Asus

We've seen the smaller YouTube channels try to pivot away from that type of content because Linus has the niche locked down. And I'm fine with that it gives us more variety of content and we still get channels that focus on the more technical side

Jaytwocents is the largest channel I know of that has not yet pivoted, he's still trying to do what Linus does even though he does a much worse job at it
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