Only was taking traction due to GN did their videos.I mean to be fair I don't think many people here were saying that it was that common to have a cpu burned. No one has reported it so far on this forum, and even among reddit/other forums I've seen about 5 or 6 reports total which is likely only marginely higher than normal failure amounts for a product. As I've personally mentioned in the past, the highest likelyhood of the failure is probably just you lost the silicon lottery and your chip was a bit more susceptible to voltage.
Most of the ire at Asus is simply because of how they handled the situation. They rejected warranty claims, blamed customers/AMD and then still hid behind warranty void disclaimers over the so called fixes until they got called out. I don't think this would have blown up if they'd have just said "In rare situations the CPU can receive more voltage than is recommended, due to this we've released a bios update to cap it. Sorry for anyone affected, please contact support for warranty to get a repair/replacement" I don't see it blowing up.
while asus could have handled the situation better one has to recall laws and such are not the same everywhere.
I am perfectly happy with my asus board I had for 7 months