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AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D CPU Burns Up

14 Jul 2004
After the update I noticed the Vcore was showing 1.15 and SOC was 1.05 also so I re set Expo I and PBO but this time manually set my SOC to 1.15, VDDIO 1.15 and Dram to 1.38, Vcore has been removed so I can't tweak that.

After booting in I've noticed that my Vcore is still around 1.25 peak but my SOC is now 1.17 & Dram to 1.39, I've also noticed I'm only boosting to 5050Mhz peak and my temps have dropped to 48c peak, which is nice.

Would you be able to check what voltages are reported if you set soc and vddio to auto and Expo Enabled on this bios?
Would be interested to see what thresholds have been set...
24 Oct 2005
North East
Dunno if its related to the burning ryzen issues but gb just released a new bios tho i think its a beta as has a b on it.

For the b650 mb. Should i grab that when i finish building mine, or wait for a non b version? The notes just says optimizations for the x3d series, so might not be for all the ryzens of the 7x series.
2 Feb 2021
Bios 1302 (beta) is avail for the x670e Hero. I will be installing it so will report any issues.

SoC voltage for Ryzen 7000X3D series limited to a maximum of 1.30V to protect the CPU and motherboard.

Before running the USB BIOS Flashback tool, please rename the BIOS file (CX670EH.CAP) using BIOSRenamer.

Please note that this is a beta BIOS version of the motherboard which is still undergoing final testing before its official release. The UEFI, its firmware and all content found on it are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. ASUS does not give any warranties, whether express or limited, as to the suitability, compatibility, or usability of the UEFI, its firmware or any of its content. Except as provided in the Product warranty and to the maximum extent permitted by law, ASUS is not responsible for direct, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from using this beta BIOS.
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26 Jan 2007
With manufacturers putting in lower SoC voltage caps... is it likely that the memory QVLs will have to be adjusted? Are we going to see kits that were formally certified dropping off them because they needed a really big whack of voltage to get them stable?

Kind of have 2x32 G.Skill 6000 c30 sat unopened on my desk while I await other parts, suddenly nervous that this build might no longer be going to work... :(
12 Feb 2014
Somewhere Only We Know
Bios 1302 (beta) is avail for the x670e Hero. I will be installing it so will report any issues.

SoC voltage for Ryzen 7000X3D series limited to a maximum of 1.30V to protect the CPU and motherboard.

Before running the USB BIOS Flashback tool, please rename the BIOS file (CX670EH.CAP) using BIOSRenamer.

Please note that this is a beta BIOS version of the motherboard which is still undergoing final testing before its official release. The UEFI, its firmware and all content found on it are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. ASUS does not give any warranties, whether express or limited, as to the suitability, compatibility, or usability of the UEFI, its firmware or any of its content. Except as provided in the Product warranty and to the maximum extent permitted by law, ASUS is not responsible for direct, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from using this beta BIOS.
1.3v still sounds a little high to me, especially when my system is running faultless at 1.15v SOC, MC voltage I've dropped to 1.25v, I tested stability last night although I didn't have much time, I left memtest pro running for 5 hours without any errors and then looped CBr23 for 30mins without any issues.

The beta is there for my x670e gene too, I may flash it, might just wait for the final, I think a lot of us have been guinea pigs enough already.
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8 Oct 2009
United Kingdom
Flashed the bios on my MSI B650 Tomahawk last night. The bios was released on the 14th of April and it has the voltage protection. It appears they have known about this for a while.

The latest bios for my MSI B650 Carbon dated 18/04/2023 does not have any voltage protection. I updated and re-enabled EXPO. Still forcing 1.35v
8 Oct 2009
United Kingdom
I did think it was odd.
The update is however, no longer applying my manual changes in SoC Voltage. In previous version I could knock it down to 1.2V. I can no longer do this. it forces 1.35v which I find very strange.
Scratch that, i was updating the DRAM voltage by mistake:p . They changed the layout on the update. Enabling AMD overclocking on the SoC then manually changing it down works just fine.
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30 Jul 2005
I re built my rig last Friday 21st with a 7800x3d, Asus Strix x670e and 32Gb (2x16Gb) Corsair c30 6000Mhz ram.
I naturally updated my bios to the then current 1104, Set Expo I and PBO and that was it, I left everything else on auto.

I was really impressed with the 7800x3d as it was boosting nicely to between 4.9/5.2Ghz, I have a custom loop cooling the CPU only.
The Vcore never went above 1.25 which I thought was really good, the temps never went above 52c under heavy gaming load.

After reading this thread on Sunday 23rd, I checked my SOC voltage and it read 1.41! I quickly checked for the bios update and downloaded the now current 1202.

After the update I noticed the Vcore was showing 1.15 and SOC was 1.05 also so I re set Expo I and PBO but this time manually set my SOC to 1.15, VDDIO 1.15 and Dram to 1.38, Vcore has been removed so I can't tweak that.

After booting in I've noticed that my Vcore is still around 1.25 peak but my SOC is now 1.17 & Dram to 1.39, I've also noticed I'm only boosting to 5050Mhz peak and my temps have dropped to 48c peak, which is nice.

I will monitor my systems health and check daily for bios updates, I'm loath to drain down and check the CPU, it's a bit of a pain.

Thank you OP for bringing this up so quickly.


Just seen there is a new Beta update 1301. I'll wait till it's out of Beta before I update again.
Can you take the CPU out and check the underside for discolouration or lumps?
12 Apr 2007
I'm reading that it's not just overclocked RAM (EXPO which isn't under warranty as its still an overclock) but potentially a wider issue for systems running stock JDEC RAM speeds...

Not great PR for AMD...
6 Apr 2023
Part of the issue is to do with the Load Line Calibration associated with SoC.

Every board manufacturer has slight differences on how well the VRM responds to load (based on the precise VRM design, number of phases, and bios settings).
Information is coming out now showing that some boards, even though they were specifiying 1.35-1.4v for SoC, they were spiking past 1.5v in windows when cycling to/from idle to load....i.e. they were overshooting their target voltage.

-So you have EXPO which called for up to 1.4v (that upper limit tentatively set by AMD by the looks of it) - but this was not validated on X3D chips only X series....and then i doubt the level of validation as we are talking out of spec values here.
-On top of that you had some bios's with poor accuracy on what they were actually setting (specifiy 1.4v and you were actually getting 1.45v)
-In addition to that you have overshoots under load/idle transitions.

It's no wonder the bloody CPU's have been blowing up. As under the worse case scenario above, you would be looking at around 30W of SoC power, vs the stock 9W - over 3 times what it should have been drawing. and a voltage spiking to over 1.5 times rated value.

If they can't get their house in order they need to dial back SoC to around 1.2v max i'd say as not every motherboard seems capable of accurately sticking to a set value.
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30 Jul 2005
-So you have EXPO which called for up to 1.4v (that upper limit tentatively set by AMD by the looks of it) - but this was not validated on X3D chips only X series....and then i doubt the level of validation as we are talking out of spec values here.
As per the video by der8auer its not an issue thats limited to x3d chips its the entire line up thats prone to this issue.
27 Jan 2022
If every single AM5 CPU is at risk then I guess it's not much of a problem? Units sold vs units that have died with this issue.

Could be user error again - just don't touch the pads with your unclean fingers. :)
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24 Oct 2005
North East
Dunno if its related to the burning ryzen issues but gb just released a new bios tho i think its a beta as has a b on it.

For the b650 mb. Should i grab that when i finish building mine, or wait for a non b version? The notes just says optimizations for the x3d series, so might not be for all the ryzens of the 7x series.

The F6B that i mentioned in above has now been removed from the bios page of my mb, i wonder why. It just came out the other day. Either they pulled it for reasons or maybe they are dropping it and trying to add in the soc fix for it if it wasnt in already.
11 Feb 2011
The F6B that i mentioned in above has now been removed from the bios page of my mb, i wonder why. It just came out the other day. Either they pulled it for reasons or maybe they are dropping it and trying to add in the soc fix for it if it wasnt in already.

I don't know what they're doing. Say they've released updated bios today, but they've pulled everything from the B650 Aorus Elite except the F4 version which is an old bios :/
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