If they still link framerates and physics like in Fallout 4 then you are in for a treat!On console I believe. Thought it was uncapped on PC
But it's telling most of the outraged people seem to have no clue on how CPU limited Fallout 4 is:
Fallout 4 CPU benchmark thread(need some Zen3 and Zen4 results!)
Man. It doesn't look like I bought myself much. 11700 -- 60 8000 -- 73 RX 6800 (Came from 1070....0 (zero) fps diff) Ryzen 5 7600 (Came from 4770k.....20fps diff)? XPG LANCER RGB DDR5 Desktop Memory: 32GB (2x16GB) 6000 MHz CL40-40-40 My previous results. 11700 -- 40fps. 8000 -- 47fps. DDR3/RX...
I extended the AT Fallout 4 thread to be the most up to date one in the world collaboration in with @KompuKare.
The game is so CPU limited, I can limit my card to 50% power and the framerates are the same.
They seem more worried about graphics in a Bethesda Games Studio game when we all know it will be janky.
I am more concerned if the game needs a mega CPU, especially with the settlement building mechanic.