Interestingly during PCworlds interview with Raja Koduri he was asked if DX12 was not as greatly accepted as AMD had hoped for, his reply I feel was pretty spot on, he replied "a few companies have added on DX12 to their games, but games generally take 2 years to develop so we should soon see games built from the ground up with them in the near future"
That is pretty much spot on for me personally, I feel most of the DX12 games we have seen recently have just been an afterthought added late into the games development.
I do not think we are yet to see a game fully built from inception with DX12, I mean no DX11 support at all, do Vulkan, No OpenGL, just DX12. Once that happens I feel we can truly say if DX12 is a failure or not no?
Seems many people want AMD to do well, even Nvidia fans want it to do well if only to drive down prices on their chosen vendors products. AMD need to compete with the 1070 and 1080 only with their first Vega card, no one needs to compete with an overpriced halo product like the TitanXP I feel as their is simply too small a market for that level of hardware.
If they can compete with 1070 / 1080 in DX11 with the first Vega, that is a success, as it should be ahead in next gen API.
That is pretty much spot on for me personally, I feel most of the DX12 games we have seen recently have just been an afterthought added late into the games development.
I do not think we are yet to see a game fully built from inception with DX12, I mean no DX11 support at all, do Vulkan, No OpenGL, just DX12. Once that happens I feel we can truly say if DX12 is a failure or not no?
Seems many people want AMD to do well, even Nvidia fans want it to do well if only to drive down prices on their chosen vendors products. AMD need to compete with the 1070 and 1080 only with their first Vega card, no one needs to compete with an overpriced halo product like the TitanXP I feel as their is simply too small a market for that level of hardware.
If they can compete with 1070 / 1080 in DX11 with the first Vega, that is a success, as it should be ahead in next gen API.