Although not exclusively so and not so much the case these days as it was a few years ago - panels that supported high refresh also tended to have a bit more gaming focus in the design so typically would have lower latency and better motion clarity, even at lower framerates, than the average monitor. My Samsung 2233RZ back in the day beat the **** out of most other panels for low input lag and motion clarity even at 60 fps never mind 120 heh - I'm not sure the technical reason behind it but even with v-sync off you could notice a difference between running it at 60Hz and 120Hz even with framerates in the 50-70 range.
Yup older higher refresh rate monitors used to be better for "gaming" in terms of motion etc. I think the main reason they aren't as good these days is cause sacrifices had to be made in order to improve the image quality/colours etc. more so for the TN panels. Even my old samsung 4.3 60HZ monitor [can't remember the model number] is still very impressive for motion clarity.
Excluding possibly CRT displays.... without a doubt, the best display tech. I've seen of late for motion clarity has to be the 2016+ OLED TVs.
They are amazing full stop. Even at a lower fps mate. Mind you that's prob down to freesync more.
Yup that will be freesync
Sync tech. shouldn't have any direct impact on motion clarity, in fact, some have found that with sync tech. removing the screen tearing and stutter especially at the lower FPS range, the motion blur becomes more apparent then. Iirc, nvidia claimed that their gsync module would improve motion or/and certain transitions but I haven't seen any tests to confirm this.
As above though, the high refresh rate displays are still very good if a monitor doesn't have any sync tech. and you are someone who doesn't like using in game vsync.
I wish more games used whatever the division's vsync method of "auto" is as it is extremely impressive even when FPS are fluctuating all over the place, iirc, digital foundry said that they were also very impressed with it and it almost felt like using free/g sync.
Hopefully AMD's upcoming turbo vsync or whatever will be impressive, they have been lacking behind nvidia for a long time now with regards to their fast sync and adaptive vsync!
can I get a yay or nay on 250hz monitors. Is that a gimmick and/or really not important
IMO, not worth it at all unless you are someone who takes the likes of cs:go very seriously and plays at a professional level.
But as per usual, it comes down to the individual these things.