wont worrk with gigabyte you know why ?? Cause memory kit i had since 1700x teamgroup 3733cl18 that would boot and work at xmp 3733cl18 on 2700x YES working 3733 on ZEN+ and was workign on my C7H on xmp like a dream..... I'w put it in rhis gigabyte elite motherboard and it WONT BOOT AT ALL. And I tried all 3 bioses. aa AB ABA ABB.
Posting on those motherboards is Worst I'w seen. Does not have qcode only buzzer boots slow as hell.
So giving any advide on motherboard that cant even boot up properly when you cahnge ANY bios setting is USELESS. Read below even changing FAN setting can resoult in NO POST lol :S
@Illuminist **** man pc was crashing post when i tried to change FAN from Normal to Silent or manual. Only change made in bios after loading optimal settings and would not post.... I was hoping You have better luck... I know I'm not touching gigabyte or Msi motherboards or myself.
Some stupid stuff going on when you cahnege settings in bios and reboot not a clue i even reflashed bios thinking it could be bad flash... Nope.... Took me 20 minutes of rebooting to somehow set fan to manual on cpu save reboot and post. Then all started working like it Fixed itself LOL
After playing with that x570 gigacrap elite I WILL PAY ASUS MOTHERBOARD TAX with smile on my face. I'w never had problems like this on any motherboard ever. Even less problems when I had to set up IRQ ports with jumpers back on 486dx times !!!!
Anyhow when I was tweeking settings on new bios on my mates pc that I'w build for him I was Changing 1 SETING reboot posts save profile 2. Next setting post save settign 3 and so on so I could revert 1 or 2 steps back if It would not post.
O ye DONT TRY RYZEN MASTER i used it to change memory setting could not post back up for 10 minutes !!!