Try those settings marked with red.
Might need to up VDDP to 1.0, and DRAM have it at 1.456-1.458v
Ok, I'll give it ago. Although the speed I am going for is 3600MHz.
I do know tho that my ram doesn't like 1.45v. It was causing instability. I've tried it. It felt like I was forcing it to be stable and eventually it just couldn't carry on any more and started crashing out.
I don't understand, becuase this 8 pack ram according to Gibbo/8 pack is the same bin as the 3600MHz CL16 stuff so should 'just work'.
16 16 16 16 36 1.35v. But I can tell you, it doesn't! I've gone up to 1.45v and still not stable.
But I can see what you've done in the screen shot. Max dram v, rec soc, max vddg as that is IF voltage, rec vddp, max proc odt and max cad bus.
I'll try it when I get home.
Actually, I can tell you now it wont let me set the max VDDG because it will be not be the right value with the SOC on the rec voltage.
See now this brings me back to something I mentioned ages ago. In the official AMD Ryzen master documentation they specify you should put VDDG to 1.1v when overclocking the ram.
But I was told that this was incorrect by people on these forums. Even the mobo highlights that value in red indicating it's a high value.
page 34 for the screen shot from the Ryzen Maser documentation.
I'm going to try this again as a last resort. It did stabilize my system when I was using it, but I changed it because I was told this was not correct and was worried by the red VDDG value.