I must be one of the minority then.
I boot my PC up
I load a game up
I play said game
I close said game
I may then open up chrome and browse the web etc
I close chrome
I shut down my pc
Rinse/repeat as and when I get time
I don't encode, I don't decode, I don't stream, I don't listen to music while playing a game, I want to listen to the game sounds, not music whilst playing.
I play a multiplayer game that runs on an older version of the cry engine and is cpu limited. It’s also a game where there are sometimes lengthy periods in between matches. In addition it requires coordinated team play to win, trying to Rambo it against higher tier teams will get you killed and earn the scorn of your team mates. So for these reasons I’ll have Discord running and on my second screen I’ll often have a few chrome tabs open with a video playing and perhaps something interesting to read in-between matches. And that’s all it takes to be close to overwhelming my 4770k. So even if I don’t see a significant increase in game performance I’m hoping that these new Ryzen chips will help eliminate the multitasking bottlenecks I’m experiencing. It’s nothing fancy, just a basic gaming PC, but even that is starting to require some serious computing power to maintain smoothness. Streaming at the quality I’d like to do it at is out of reach for me at the moment.