OK, then promoting it, working hard to implement it, limiting Full HD to legacy support, etc policies
Ok, that's the original post I replied to.
The context there was of future hardware.
If a graphics card has power under the hood to do 1080p 60fps (this the "what most people use" that keeps being quoted from steam surveys. People on a higher res are a smaller market, people on 1080p@200/300fps are an even smaller market), what optimisation is required? From this point forward, the lowest end new cards etc onwards, ANYTHING can do 1080p@60fps. ALMOST anything will be able to do it with most detail turned on.
What optimisation is required?
Going "what and leave glaring performance issues unfixed?!". No. Obviously. That's a tangent though for sure.
Optimising, as in "teasing more out of the available hardware". Making it work doesn't mean optimising.
gerund or present participle:
- make the best or most effective use of (a situation or resource).
"we manage our time so that we optimize our productivity"
rearrange or rewrite (data, software, etc.) to improve efficiency of retrieval or processing.
What is there to optimise for? At the point it's future work done by a graphics card vendor towards the usability of it's products, at what point does a workload that uses 50-80% GPU need optimising for. What's the purpose? What improves? How is making it have MORE idle time optimal?
Framerate doesn't - that's stuck with making the CPU faster for more API calls from the game engines.
There is NOTHING to optimise for. Modern GPU's are already vastly more capable in pretty much every circumstance (outside the most bare bones onboard graphics that neither of us are referring to) than is necessary to run 1080p "optimally".
Now... the whole "1080p is crap and needs to die" mindset - I don't really give a toss for either way. It's one of the only bits of 10 year+ old tech we're still using (I had a 2405fpw in... 2005 when the 16:10 vs 16:9 format wars were on. 16:10 lost) but... whatever, it doesn't affect me so each to their own.
Understand the bit I was specifically talking about though.
I'll otherwise duck out of this particular wizzing contest as it's getting silly.