If they price an 8c/16t entry level CPU much above £200 it won't sell anywhere near as well as then need it to. Even if it is 15% faster than the R7 2700, some people won't see that as good value or care to spend more, you can buy an R7 2700 for a shade over £185 today, to me that would be my go to chip if these new 3000's at the same core and thread count are £250+ at least for the entry level version.
AMD have put themselves in an awkward position, the Gen 1 and 2 CPU's are such good value, and offer great performance as well, deviating from that may cause it to backfire at least for this generation. Maybe if they regain the high-end moniker by people/buyers then that 4000 series will be able to be priced higher.
AMD have put themselves in an awkward position, the Gen 1 and 2 CPU's are such good value, and offer great performance as well, deviating from that may cause it to backfire at least for this generation. Maybe if they regain the high-end moniker by people/buyers then that 4000 series will be able to be priced higher.