first and foremost dude/dudette it was not my intention to question your intelligence - I thought that portion of my post was so glaringly obvious as a 'switcheroo' that it was clearly tongue in cheek. 100% genuine apologies if it came across as anything other that a joke. in my defence it sounded funnier in my head. believe it or not you have come across as one of the more sane rational and intelligent posters in here - and i'll stand by that every bit as resolutely as i'll stand by my condemnation of the likes of AdoredTV (<<<<joke joke joke

that suggests you were personally injured in some way by his making a video that had some partially accurate information in based on leaks from AMD as claimed by Jim and others too
not at all - I simply care very little about most of these tech tubers with their 'inside track' leaks and enjoy poking fun at them when their guesses blow up. sort of in the same way the local bs'er telling you his tall tale over a pint about his friend of a friend that did x,y & z is always good craic and fair game for a wind up and slagging. someone wants to give it 'large' then they have to expect a bit of ribbing when their claims turn out to be mainly hot air
Yet you are here now, yelling from the rooftops that Jim is a liar and a thief of time.
aww come on, that's a bit of a stretch - I've made maybe 2 or 3 disparaging posts relating to AdoredTv, hardly shouting from the rooftops. not sure what a thief of time is but until he presents proof of where his 'leaks' come from i'll continue to believe that he lied - as most of these youtubers do - that in tself is actually a pop at him, I fully understand these youtubers/streamers have to lie, exaggerate, entice and enthral .....there primary goal is not to inform or educate us mere mortals, it's to make money. and the sad reality is that the truth doesn't bring the clicks

- with that said, if he ever were to disclose his sources and they were verified I would, without a moments hesitation, retract what I've said about him and apologise. i'd also likely hurt myself falling off my high horse
it's a strawman you can then use to support your side of the argument.
it's really not a straw man mate - I simply do not believe him when he says he had insider information. I believe that he made educated guesses on what we would see as a result of studying what was already in the wild - and there's nothing wrong with that, it's what most of us have been doing (if not publicly then certainly privately) my issue is when someone tries wrapping it up as some sort of exclusive insider information.
as I said in my previous post - you believe him (as you're entitled to), I don't (as i'm entitled to). that's all it boils down to and we don't really need to keep going over it time and again.
tell you what, **** AdoredTV and all the rest of them (**** me too and you three for that matter

) - lets just bask in the glory that is almost certainly going to be amd ripping the cpu crown squarely from intels head.
i'll finish again though by apologising if the opening part of my previous post came across as a dig or a pop at your intelligence. that was not my intention, honestly.