They have even ST scores and the 8700K boosts 12% higher ST, 4.2Ghz vs 4.7Ghz.
I don't know why he wrote "both clocked to 4.2Ghz" 4.2Ghz is the all core boost of the 8700K and the 3600 is less than that (3.9Ghz?) yet with the same number of threads is 8% faster in MT...
I wrote both clocked to 4.2Ghz because they are both clocked to 4.2Ghz. (I.e. the 8700k has been set to 4.2GHz)
It's a like-for-like comparison with the same single core boost and same memory frequency, the only unknown is the timings.
I think the result is disappointing, it's showing similar performance.
The 3600 is probably a great purchase, it's not about that.