I know, but I always said my next system would be back to AMD again
I'd been hoping AMD would get the Zen3 chips out, but seems their release schedule is a lot more lethargic than we'd hoped. March 2021 likely for Zen3 desktop. A full 12 months is no joke, and I'm not prepared to wait that long.
Will wait for B550 so I can avoid the noise lottery with the chipset fan on the X570. We've seen SOYO-branded complete boards in the last couple days, so should be imminent. Here's hoping the 3700X will drop to £200 ish after the B550 boards get released. I know, fat chance
But my budget doesn't stretch beyond £200 and the 3600 non-X chips often won't boost past 4Ghz.
I don't really want a 6-core tbh, coz this upgrade will need to last a couple years before I can be arsed to pull it all apart again (system building is not fun, it's a chore). Also, on a related note it's a shame that AMD now reserve the best boost speeds for the highest core-count chips, but there we are. Just another reason to favour the 3700x over the 3600.