My own experience with the CPUs I have bought for myself and tested while building for others, a much higher proportion of single cluster cpus hit 1900IF than multi cluster cpus. On Ryzen 3000 you have a greater chance of hitting 1900IF on a 3800x or lower. I don't have a great sample size to call on, maybe 12 cpus in total of which 3 have been multi cluster. None of the multi cluster cpus I've had chance to test will post at 1900IF no matter what voltages, board or memory I used. I bought the XT myself expecting improvements, yet there were none.Can you please elaborate for the less knowledgeable? What do you mean when you say "multi cluster chips struggle more with IF than single"... does this have any bearing on 5800x versus 5900x?
In contrast I've yet to find a single cluster cpu that wouldnt hit 1900IF and I've had easily over 20 of them go through my hands. My own 3600xt is the "worst" and needs 1225mv IOD to be stable, but posts fine at 1150mv IOD.
(1 x R9 3900 which did 1833IF @ 1120mv IOD, 1866mhz @ 1200mv IOD, 1 x R9 3900x which did 1866IF @ 1180mv IOD and my own personal R9 3900XT which does 1866IF @ 1075mv IOD yet still black screens at 1900IF regardless of voltage used)