That's 6000 MHz and is a fast kit, but as I said you may not need 6000MHz with the X3D. We need to wait for reviews and the prices should be lower by then (barring a collapse in the UK economy).This kit
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That's 6000 MHz and is a fast kit, but as I said you may not need 6000MHz with the X3D. We need to wait for reviews and the prices should be lower by then (barring a collapse in the UK economy).This kit
Try setting the infinity fabric clock to 'auto'. That's the recommended setting. I don't think flck = 2000mhz is guaranteed to work.I have the Asus x670e Hero and 7950x
I have DDR5 G Skill 6000 C36 2x16gb ram but struggling to be stable at 6000mhz
Mobo only gives 1 D.O.C.P profile and i can only be stable at 4800 which the motherboard choose itself
Haven't tinkered anymore yet but i shouldn't have to increase ram voltage as its already 1.35 and is speced to run at that speed i also set the fclk at 2000 which is meant to be the correct 1:1 ratio
not sure whether its just bios that needs updating possibly as its so new
No XMP profile or expo profile in the bios just docp, only way to auto load the rams certified specTry setting the infinity fabric clock to 'auto'. That's the recommended setting. I don't think flck = 2000mhz is guaranteed to work.
If no dice, then I would try bumping up the dram voltage to 1.4v (no point increasing more than that)
Have you tried bumping up the CAS latency to 40? Might help.
EDIT - Can you set an XMP profile in the BIOS? Most modules support XMP, and AM5 boards are supposed to also.
D.O.C.P= is Asus's profiling tech, and is different to XMP.
Worth a try.i'll default cpu back and try ram full speed
So does ekwb basic aio 360 would work or notAverage user
Can you buy Teamgroup DDR5 RAM from UK retailers?
Doesn't seem to have wide availability yet.
There's some cheap 5600 MT/s modules I've seen in other countries, they seem to be selling it for less.
If you check OcUK website you will see they have several TeamGroup DDR4 and DDR5 kits listed and in stock.
If there is a kit you’d like to see post a link to the TeamGroup website of the kit you want.
Hi Gibbo,If you check OcUK website you will see they have several TeamGroup DDR4 and DDR5 kits listed and in stock.
If there is a kit you’d like to see post a link to the TeamGroup website of the kit you want.
Zen4 runs hot as the sun, due to a very silly design. Making AM4 coolers compatible means the IHS is >2mm thicker than it needs to be. Going direct die yields a 21C improvement.
Zen4 runs hot as the sun, due to a very silly design. Making AM4 coolers compatible means the IHS is >2mm thicker than it needs to be. Going direct die yields a 21C improvement.
It works for me, my Deepcool AK620 was only £48.Making AM4 coolers compatible means the IHS is >2mm thicker than it needs to be.