I think we're back to the revision B mobos tbh. Abit 2.0... I remember that bit but can't actually remember what board or chipset that was

With a completely new platform the first motherboards are a little bit of a shot in the dark. I expect there to be a couple mobos out of all of them that did something really stupid and just suck at any overclocking, a couple will be epic and the rest will probably improve significantly just through bios upgrades. The worst mobos might get fairly quick(2-3 month) b revisions, the rest will probably hang on till Zen+ which will probably bring an updated range of motherboards with lots more tweaks and lots more ideas about how to get the best out of Zen included in the design.
EDIT:- I just realised, I was referring to the 2.0 in the motherboard, there being a major second version of a board everyone loved, after I posted I realised I hadn't even really noticed I said Abit, that alone is a blast from the past.